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Smart Passive Income Podcast
with Pat Flynn
Weekly interviews, strategy, and advice for building your online business the smart way.
Featured Episodes

SPI 501: Niching Down & Leaning In to Your Passion So You Can Make a Profit with Megan Gilger from Fresh Exchange
Gardening expert, podcast host, and community builder at Fresh Exchange

SPI 439: The #1 Most Underrated Way to Grow Your Email List and Brand Today (Let Me “Quiz” You)
Randy Rayess from Outgrow.co discusses using quizzes to grow your email list

SPI 517: The Best Way to Start a Successful Business Today with Arvid Kahl
Engineer, entrepreneur, and author of the bestselling book, Zero to Sold

SPI 499: How to Get Your Ideas to Actually Spread with Jeff Goins
Best-selling author of five books including The Art of Work and Real Artists Don’t Starve

SPI 441: Your Relationship with Selling and How to Finally Get Your First Customers with Ramit Sethi
Financial advisor and author of the New York Times bestseller I Will Teach You To Be Rich

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Recent Episodes
SPI 099: Buying Stuff and Selling It on Amazon (For 6 Figures a Year!) with Jessica and Cliff Larrew
Cliff and Jessica Larrew, a wife and husband combo, join the show to talk about making a living by re-selling products on Amazon.
SPI 098: Millionaires and Mastermind Groups with Jaime Tardy (and How She Got Me to Say Yes)
In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I talk with Jaime Tardy about what she’s learned from conducting over 130 interviews with successful millionaires, including the success factors…
SPI 097: John Lee Dumas on His 6-Figure Month, Facebook Webinar Strategy, and Adding Sponsors to Your Show
JLD from Entrepreneur on Fire is on with us today to talk about adding sponsors to your podcast!
SPI 095: The DOs and DON’Ts of Online Video with Caleb Wojcik
In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I’m happy to welcome Caleb Wojcik from DIYvideoguide.com to the show! Today, we’re talking all about creating videos.
SPI 094: 5 Proven Content Creation Tips to Help You Maximize the Impact of Your Information
In this session, I’ll be sharing 5 carefully selected content creation tips to help you maximize the impact you have with the information you share, no matter what form of…
SPI 093: How to Make Next Year the Best Year Ever! Goal Setting, Resistance, and Priorities with Michael Hyatt
It’s that time of the year when goal setting is on our minds, but how do we make sure we accomplish those goals we set out to achieve?
SPI 092: The Psychology of Selling and How to Price Your Products with Ramit Sethi
Founder or IWillTeachYoutoBeRich.com shares how to sell, and sell well.
SPI 091: Mixing Online Business with Offline Marketing Strategies — Direct Response with Kim Walsh-Phillips
In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, my guest and I have a deep conversation about offline techniques that can be used in the online world.
SPI 090: 6 Things Architecture Taught Me about Starting an Online Business
I attended architecture school for 5 years and worked in the field for several more; now I own several online businesses completely unrelated—but are they?

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