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SPI 601: How to Get the BEST Testimonials for Your Products, Hands Down

How do you build trust with someone who’s just visiting your website? How do you connect with them and convert them into paying customers right then and there?

In business, we often have so many big ideas that we forget to go back to the tried and true fundamentals, the stuff that’s been proven to work over and over again. One of the essential elements we tend to neglect is gathering testimonials from our audience. Who better to champion our products and services than the people who have already gotten immense value from them?

Today I’m chatting with Casey Hill, head of growth at Bonjoro. They have been hard at work creating a testimonial tool that I think is absolutely revolutionary. Imagine this: you send a link to a customer or a student of yours, and it then prompts them with the right questions that lead to fruitful text or video testimonials and case studies.

But what does a good testimonial even look like? When is the best time to ask for testimonials and what are the precise questions you should ask? I talk to Casey about all of this, plus he shares some massive tips you can use in your business, no matter which tools you use.

This is a quick, hard-hitting episode that is going to inspire and empower you to get going on something that’s vital for your business.

Today’s Guest

Casey Hill

Casey is a growth veteran, with over a decade of experience in helping software companies scale fast. Whether it’s garnering millions of views on Quora and Linkedin, or pioneering new growth levers (like booking his team on hundreds of podcasts in 2020), Casey is always looking for creative and value-led ways to grab attention and break from the mold.

In his current role as Head of Growth at Bonjoro, Casey helps brands convert more sales and retain more customers with video emails.

Besides his day job in software, Casey also launched a tabletop gaming business in 2015 that went on to create a game, Arkon, that was 800 percent funded on Kickstarter and sold thousands of copies worldwide.

In 2020, Casey launched a course business, Amplified Masterclass, educating people about how to monetize channels like being on podcasts and Quora. Casey is looking to cross 6 figures in sales for this business by 2023.

On the consulting side, Casey consults with some of the world’s biggest firms including places like McKinsey, Blackrock, Colemans, GLG, Guidepoint, etc., where he provides institutional guidance around topics such as: SMB marketing vendor selection, SaaS pricing, SaaS marketing/CRM tool differentiation, inbound marketing, and marketing automation.

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SPI 601: How to Get the BEST Testimonials for Your Products, Hands Down

Casey Hill: Convert Kit is very, very good at building affinity. They say, you know, four podcasters, four bloggers, four insert category, and then they have a testimonial that’s specifically tied to that industry.

How do you have someone scroll through and say, that’s me and resonate and connect because they’re in those shoes and they’re in that situation?

Those are, as a starting point, some of the things you wanna start to think about when you’re putting together testimonials that are gonna really help maximize conversion rate.People arrive at the website, they see that, it builds trust, and they make that conversion.

Pat Flynn: You know, in our business, we often have so many big ideas that we often don’t go back to kind of the foundational things that often worked in the first place. And one of those low hanging fruits, if you will, that everybody should be paying more attention to ourselves included are testimonials. Getting customers, students, people who have experienced your product to talk about that experience, to help convince others that are curious about whether or not that’s actually worth their time and or money is absolutely vital. And yet, for whatever reason, most of us don’t take this seriously.

Well, today we are talking with Casey Hilll the head of growth over at Bonjoro. Bonjoro is one of my favorite tools. In fact, I talked about it quite heavily in my book, Superfans. Bonjoro is spelled B O N J O R O. And they have been full force creating something that is so exciting and in my opinion, revolutionary, to help us with managing and tracking and keeping organized our testimonials. They have a new testimonials tool. Imagine this a person is a customer or a student of yours, you send them a link and it prompts them with the exact questions to allow them to easily hit a button to record video, to answer those questions that become the most fruitful testimonials and case studies that you could ever ask for that you can now embed on your website, download and put into your sales videos, et cetera.

And so we’re gonna talk today with Casey, not just about Bonjoro’s testimonials tool, but more importantly, what kinds of questions should you be asking and how do you ask these questions? What’s the right time to ask these questions to be able to get and gather these best testimonials that you can now offer.

What is a good testimonial? What is a not great testimonial? What kinds of things should you look out for? This is a hard hitting quick hit episode that I think is going to really. Really inspire you to get going on something that you probably should have gotten going on before. I hope you enjoy this episode.

This is Casey hill over at Bonjoro, and you can check out the testimonials to at But before you do that, let’s listen in on some of this tactical and strategical stuff that I know is gonna blow your mind. Here you go.

Announcer: Welcome to the Smart Passive Income Podcast, where it’s all about working hard now, so you can sit back and reap the benefits later. And now your host. He’s most creatively productive in two places, in his car and in the shower. Pat Flynn.

Pat Flynn: Casey, what’s up and welcome to the Smart Passive Income podcast. Thanks for joining us today.

Casey Hill: Yeah. Thanks so much for having me, pat. I’m excited to be here.

Pat Flynn: I’m really excited, cuz we’re gonna chat about something that is vitally important that we haven’t really discussed in detail here on the show before and that’s customer approval, testimonials, customer feedback, that kind of stuff. With relation to products that you have, the services that you offer, et cetera.

Tell us why this is so important to especially nowadays more than ever really. And then we’ll get into like Bonjoro and the product and how you help make this happen. And even if you don’t use Bonjoro specific principles and tips that you could use to get the best testimonials so that other people coming across your products can have confidence in buying it. But why now more than ever? Why, why is this like so important that we, we talk about it today?

Casey Hill: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I think we’ve all seen the news and I think it’s kind of a global phenomenon that there’s been a lot of economic downturn right now. And with that, looking at, figuring out how you create advocacy within your base is super important.

And with that advocacy, it’s also not only how do you create it, but it’s, how do you use that advocacy? So there’s kind of two pieces to this. There’s creating these people that are fans, and then there’s, how do we take that sentiment and help educate other people with it? And that’s where testimonials and reviews and use cases and everything kind of under that umbrella of customer proof becomes super, super important.

In some ways it’s kind of a low hanging fruit. Because almost every brand out there has those people who are fans, has those people that have had that good experience. And oftentimes it’s just figuring out when do I ask for it? What specifically do I ask? You know, I think one of the challenges is kind of the age old way is just like, will you leave us a review?

You ask everyone the exact same question. It’s general, it’s not targeted to any specific pain point or problem. So I think there’s this big Delta of how we can kind of do this in a little bit of a more sophisticated manner. I think that’s a really cool opportunity.

Pat Flynn: When we think about it from a future customer’s perspective or future students perspective, right, especially in today’s economy where people are holding onto their dollar a little bit more because everything is so expensive. Because there’s a lot of noise out there. There’s a lot of trickery and snake oil salesmen and women out there. We gotta really pay attention to, well, what things can we do as authentic marketers, people who have things of service to help people with what are the things we can do to help alleviate some of that worry and help people feel more secure about the money that they’re going to invest in your program.

And we all know testimonials work. I mean, from the days of infomercials to the online business days now. Testimonials work, but there are great testimonials and there are not so great testimonials. So starting with that question, leave us a review, or what did you think of our product to your customers is, is not going to work.

So what does work? How do we begin to rethink and reshape how we approach testimonials for our stuff?

Casey Hill: So I think there’s a couple of, of core things you wanna do. Number one, is I think specificity is important. So if you imagine two possible options, one is increased results by 1000% or increased bookings by a thousand percent, or someone says, we went from 42 bookings to 85 bookings.

We got so much new traffic we actually had to hire a new AE to handle that new people coming through that second one is so much more specific and instantly as someone, especially if someone’s sweeping through and reading a lot, they’re gonna jump to those specific stats and those specific moments. So I think part of it is try to have specificity.

Another thing that can be really powerful is, is what I call kind of long form, which is instead of the one sentence. Take a moment to really flush out and have some real depth behind what you’re explaining. I know that for me, what I’ve found is that sometimes those long form testimonials can be really powerful, it just contextualizing and again, building trust. There’s so much content and so many reviews out there. You know, I’ve said before most website reviews suck. And it’s kind of funny coming from someone who has a product that helps people do website reviews. But the reason for that is that they’re short they’re general. They don’t show a human face looking at the person they’re, they’re kind of disconnected. And because of that, I think we just breeze over that.

So I would say specific, long form. Another thing that’s really powerful is video. So video instantly has facial expression. It has tone, it has context and it also doesn’t feel like it’s contrived, right?

You immediately see someone talking and as humans, I think we like to feel that we’re good gauges of credibility. So when you’re talking to someone face to face, you kind of make an assessment, okay, this person’s a schmuck, or I trust them. Right. So video can be really powerful at helping deliver that. I think that’s really important.

And another piece of this that thinks really important is affinity. So there’s a couple brands that do this really, really well. One that always jumps to mind for me is Convert Kit. Convert Kit is very, very good at building affinity. They say, you know, four podcasters, four bloggers, four insert category, and then they have a testimonial that’s specifically tied to that industry.

So think another thing here too is how do you have someone scroll through and say, that’s me. And resonate and connect because they’re in those shoes and they’re in that situation, that’s kind of breezing through some of the pieces, but I think those are as a starting point, some of the things you wanna start to think about when you’re, when you’re putting together testimonials that are gonna really help maximize conversion rate, which is hopefully the aim, right.

People arrive at the website, they see that it builds trust and they make that conversion.

Pat Flynn: All right. So obviously if we could snap our fingers, a perfect testimonial would be one that has depth. One that relates to the person who’s on the other end, reading this, considering making an investment or not one that has specific numbers, measurable things that were, you know, hard before, but now easy because of this or things that we have now unlocked as a result of getting into this program, or what have you video, obviously, like you said, and, okay, if we could snap our fingers. Great.

But like how, how do we actually get those? Right. Like what questions do we ask so that those are the answers, right? I mean, I think that if we’re giving testimonials, that’s the best way to give a testimonials to do those things, but when trying to get them, are you as specific as saying tell me the numbers and tell me who this, like, you would recommend this to specific, like how how do we prompt this?

Casey Hill: Yeah. Yeah. Great question. So I, I think that the answer is first in terms of what questions we’ll get into some specific questions, but I think the first thing is know your audience. So the audience for a software company versus a creator versus eCommerce might be different.

Some of them might be more emotive. You really wanna focus on the transformation. Right. What were things like before and what were they after? If you look at like a website like Marie Forleo’s you’ll see this very clear sense of this transformation narrative, but in certain other industries, it might benefit to be much more technical and ask, like, what is the specific KPI that you optimized with this piece of software?

So that’s the first question. Second question is, okay, well, where do we even start or go to approach? So you design a series of questions that you think would be really valuable to when you know what the pain points are when you know why people are getting stuck. Those are the types of questions that you speak to.

And here at Bonjoro, we’ve created a product testimonials that helps you ask specific questions and get specific replies. Obviously there’s several tools out there that can help with that, but the idea is first set up good questions that are gonna get and kind of guide the person to give you the information you want.

The next part of that though, was okay. Well, when do you ask people? Like, do you just generically send it after 30 days? Like what’s the magic. Couple different thoughts. So I think one of the low hanging fruit that people don’t do right now is around any kind of social acknowledgements. So when someone posts and they share a picture of your product or they share a picture, they just took your course, they say so, and so is so great.

Is someone on your team reaching out to that person at that point and getting a testimonial, right? Like your top of mind that that’s the absolute best, possible time to grab a testimonial. So that’s like step one one. Number two is if you use any kind of backend software and you do things like lead scoring, use that as a way to guide it.

Right? So say once someone has a certain level of activity, or once they’ve completed a certain amount of engagement, use that as another kind of litmus test. And connected to that, I think especially like in the creator space, milestones are great. So use specific milestones in the journey and then just have that set of questions, go to that person at that specific time.

And, and part of what I think is important here, you wanna get the best possible testimonials, but you also don’t wanna overload people. So if you go send someone here, answer these 15 questions, person’s like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Right. So part of this is getting a little bit smart with it. So the person who’s super excited who just like did a social post and they’re totally flowery.

Maybe you ask that person a few more questions cuz you know, you can get really prime content. For other people where it’s a little bit colder, maybe stick to one or two really valuable specific questions. So don’t have kind of a one size fits all. Try to understand where that customer is at and pair it.

Otherwise you’re gonna get people that just, they’re not gonna go all the way through or you’ll miss opportunity. You’ll only ask one question, but they would’ve taken 10 minutes. Cause they’re that much of a fan. Right? So you kind of try to find that, that right zone.

Pat Flynn: That’s super smart. And I love the tactical things we’re starting to talk about.

We’ll talk even more about that. But one thing I wanna actually rewind a little bit because in a lot of people’s minds, mine included, I sometimes feel bad asking for a testimonial, right? Like we’re gonna ask a person to take time out of their day to ideally create a video, which is a big ask. How do we get over that hump, that mental hump, asking somebody for something like this that ultimately is used for more sales. It almost feels like we’re using or taking advantage of people. I know I’ve heard people use that language before. So help the listener who’s thinking right now, I just kind, I don’t wanna ask for so many testimonials and be annoying and, or be too pushy.

Casey Hill: Yeah. It’s a great question. And part of it can come from having that context and it kind of ties back to the ask. So if you know something about their journey, let’s say for instance, you know, that they got stuck in the middle. That’s a great way for you to reach out. And as a forward to those questions, say, Hey, look, I know that you got stuck in the middle, but ultimately you made it through and you had this awesome success. It would mean the world. If you could just take couple moments, tell people about what helped get you over that.

Now again, there’s kind of like context, you’re using their situation to try to provide the why. Right. And obviously there could be a lot of different ways that you kind of present that, but if you kind of incorporate them in a little bit and their story and their narrative, it feels a little bit less like this is just all for me. Can you do this thing for me?

And now you’re kind of bringing them into the story. You are gonna help the future generations of. So, you know, and so I think that to me is a really positive way to approach it. I kind of shy away from, I know that there’s this whole other category of like incentives and what specific things you can do.

I just feel like it kind of gets into a murky ground. I’m not saying never do it right. Sometimes it might be good to have, you know, we’ll give you a 10% promo and people will use that maybe as an upsell opportunity or whatever. But, but I think the very best way is if you have some sort of context point, so if you know where they’re at in the funnel, you know what steps they’ve done and you can use that information, even if it’s in a somewhat automated.

You can use those context points to kind of drive that home. I think that’s great. And as much as you can tie into that sense of community as well, I think that this is a really important piece, is that treat them as if they’re part of a community. And this isn’t just for testimonials. This is just the whole journey.

But think about the, the platforms and the people that you support and think about the ones that if they ask you for a testimonial, like there’s people for all of us, I feel like who you would raise your hand, yes, absolutely. You wouldn’t think about it, right? You’d be happy to do it because you have that much affinity with that, that person, you feel a real sense of community with them.

So the person might feel a little bit like, oh, I feel uncomfortable, but for you, it’s like, no problem. It’s like a friend or a family member. Like, absolutely. I got you. So I think that that’s the same kind of thing. If you, on the front end, you really build those types of relationships. People will be very open to it.

Pat Flynn: I think I, I agree with you with that a hundred percent. I think a few things I wanna unpack there is this idea of the law of reciprocity when you’ve helped somebody. They’re gonna look for all kinds of different ways to help you back, especially if you’ve transformed them in some way, which hopefully all of our product services, tools, software, et cetera does.

And so they’re gonna be more than likely, very happy to do so, and also thinking about, well, what’s the worst that can happen when you ask. They might just say no, and that’s still okay. You’ve still help them in some way. And when you approach it, as you said, as not for you, but actually for them and for everybody else, then it actually is almost like your obligation to ask for this kind of stuff.

It’s your responsibility because that testimonial and that particular person’s story and transformation and struggle might relate to somebody more specifically and better than you could ever do with any sales copy you could offer on the page from you. So you can actually daisy chain a person’s success to help other people succeed as well.

And when you consider it that way, I mean, that’s how I’ve sort of gotten over that scare and then the idea of, okay, well, what’s the worst that can happen. So hopefully those tips help you. If you’re going through a little bit of like pushback to yourself mentally, if you’re thinking about, you know, going harder with testimonials.

And the other thing is like, maybe even that word, I, I know testimonials is the name of the Bonjoro product and that’s kind of ultimately what we’re capturing, but I, I like to consider them as like case studies and, and you had to even mention that earlier, that particular word. And I like that because it really showcases that person and their transformation.

It almost paints them as the hero of the story you are just, or your product is simply just the guide. And we’ve heard this many times before we’ve had Donald Miller on the show before to talk about story brand. And capturing their story and their outcome. When you really think about the hero’s journey, the idea that they were once in one place were struggling, had to overcome all these challenges and then came out the other end much better.

Everybody else who’s following that story wants the same exact thing that helped them get out of that situation for themselves. And so when you paint that hero story, it’s such an easier ask to say, Hey, can I feature your transformation and tell your story to my audience? Versus. Can I have a testimonial that I will use on my sales page, so I make more sales.

Right. And you would never phrase it that way, but that’s sometimes how we feel it comes across, or we don’t wanna come across that way. So great discussion there. Thank you. I’m gonna throw away that post-it note. Cause I think we’ve gotten over that hump now, but I wanna know. When setting up these questions, and I know in Bonjoro, you can set up a specific set of questions and, you know, have them sort of come out sequentially and not to make it easy for people to go through it, captures it in video.

We’ll talk about that particular process in just a minute. Many people knowm, big fan of Bonjoro have talked about it in the book, Superfans and use it. But just in general, whether using Bonjoro or not. What are some really fire questions that we could ask that can garner these great answers based on what we’ve talked about already?

Casey Hill: Yeah, for sure. Uh, so I think one of them, and it’s actually kind of a common sales discovery question is what were you doing before? Where were you at when you started? Right. People come to a certain spot and they have a pain point, and sometimes you wanna make sure that you remind them of that starting spot.

So then you follow up with, uh, and where are things. So a lot of times people skip to the end, they just say like, here’s the amazing results I had. But again, remember that you’re trying to capture affinity. So if you go to, what was it like when your channel was at zero? What was it like when you were trying to scrap things together and you were nervous and you were overwhelmed and you weren’t sure.

You know, and you get someone to remember that head space or they were using some other process and it really wasn’t working and they were hitting a lot of walls. They start there, they’re like, okay, this person is in the same shoes that I’m at. And then. You have the, the second piece, which is kind of connected to the transformation and the hero’s journey that you were just talking about.

So I think that is a great starting question. I do really like specific questions that get into the nuts and bolts of results and impact. So if someone can say, look, I grew 10,000 followers, or I grew insert X result. I like those cuz another thing that is important to talk about in this conversation is there is kind of this the way that we look at websites, we skip.

Right. We all know this. We all know social media, we scan, we scan, we scan. So a couple things that are important with that. Number one is number, numbers do matter. There is a difference. If you have two testimonials or if you have 20, they’re not gonna read all 20, but the fact that you have 20. Shows this confidence in numbers.

And so that’s one factor, make sure that you try to get that density of them. The other thing is you’re gonna skim and a lot of, kind of the, I feel bad calling them throw away quotes, but if you have something that’s really unspecific, that just is like, this was an amazing experience. It was awesome. We kind of skim those, the specific numbers and results, the I tends to jump to those pause for a moment and read that specific metric. So I think questions that deal with metrics in some. Can be really, really valuable to have. So I think that the positioning the, before the after specific metrics or results, and even talking about who is this for, this is I think a huge mistake.

People will kind of have this here’s, who it’s for, and here’s who it’s not for. And here’s who it’s not for almost always is ridiculous. It’s like, you know, they, they try to make it so it’s so lopsided that I think normal readers read that and they just think it’s silly. They’re like, you’re basically saying you’re for everyone.

Pat Flynn: People who don’t wanna succeed. People who don’t want more money in their life. You know, like obvious, like this doesn’t even make sense.

Casey Hill: Yeah. So people always do that and it’s so silly and it’s not a good strategy because you’re treating your customer like they’re dumb. What your customer actually does when they read that is, they’re like, okay, this is just a throwaway.

I’m not gonna pay attention to it. If you actually include real things, like here are the actual categories of people that aren’t a good fit that actually can do the opposite. It can build trust. Right? So if you have people that talk about that specific piece, that can be really big. Another thing I wanna say is that practical testimonials can also be super valuable.

Think about the testimonials that you read, that you enjoy when you’re perusing products. If someone goes and they say these shoes are sized extra small. That’s kind of useful, right? It’s useful for you to see that piece of feedback that’s actually practical or, Hey, when I started, I connected in my tool with this other tool like this, and I think that’s the best way to kick things off.

So don’t forget that there’s also big value in, in practical advice that would be applicable to people as they’re connecting solutions, connecting tech, or, you know, obviously there’s a huge range of types of products. Those are, I think, some types of things to think about.

Pat Flynn: Would you ask a person, like how did you make the best use of this online course, for example, or how did you fit this into your busy schedule to have a person on the other end who maybe doesn’t think they have a lot of time, to be able to get some ideas from a customer who’s already gotten some success from it who also didn’t have a lot of time to get that practical information actually baked into a testimonial.

Casey Hill: I think that’s exactly right. That’s cool. And part of that is knowing. You as a business owner, you really wanna take some time to understand what the pain points of conversion are.

If you haven’t done this already, you need to talk to customers. You need to talk to people who don’t convert and be super honest and like, and look, it’s it’s sometimes it’s tough to track down people who don’t convert, but even if you just get a couple of them, you’ll learn some really valuable information and you’ll get people that say that.

Look, this seems awesome. I love it. I’m definitely gonna try this down the line, but I just don’t have the bandwidth. I don’t have the time. Awesome data point. Then you know that that’s the type of testimonial you wanna speak. So, is it a time issue? Is it a money issue? Is it a confidence? And are these people really legit?

You know, all of those things get the sense of that. That’s why the specific question is so valuable. So a hundred percent, if it’s a time thing, focus in.

Pat Flynn: So it sounds like we’re not just saying, Hey, can you leave me a testimonial? Let me ask you a question and just I’ll share your answer, but it almost sounds like we’re having a conversation with people like, Hey, where, where were you at before? What were some of the specific things that happened? What are some, uh, helpful tips that you might have for somebody coming in new as well? It almost sounds like a mini interview versus just asking a question and getting an answer to, to share later.

And that’s, I know how Bonjoro is sort of treated testimonial. So can you talk a little bit about. The tool to share with people. I know people are mostly listening to this, but how might they in their head visually understand how this works specifically?

Casey Hill: So imagine that you basically have just a series of questions. So you design think of it like a survey, right? Like a progressive form. That’s gonna have a set of questions. So let’s say there’s three key things that you wanna ask a person. You’re gonna type in those questions. You’re gonna give people the options. Do you want video or text? Do you wanna limit it? So they can only leave text or only leave video.

You can kind of have some specificity there, but really at a core level, the way it’s gonna work is step one is they’re gonna hit a thing it’s gonna give ’em some opening instructions. So you can let people know, Hey, here’s the best lighting to record in or whatever kind of specific. So you can get quality video that you’re gonna wanna actually use and put on your website.

Then they basically are gonna hit start. It’s gonna take ’em through a series of questions. Then at the final pain you’ll get consent. Cause it’s important in this process to make sure you get consent. If you’re gonna publish people’s stuff, you need to get that. So that’s kind of the final step. And then basically we spit out a link and that link is something that you can incorporate in your automations.

You could send a personal ask people, you could send a personal video, email to them and then have connected to it, the ask. So there’s a lot of different ways you can kind of perform the ask, but in terms of visually setting it up, think of it like a progressive series of questions that we then will bundle into a project.

And then on our side, we then organize. So as all the responses come in, we’re gonna organize all those. You can tag different ones. And so if you wanna group them together, you know, these five testimonials are really good for people that are concerned about time. I’m gonna mark these as time, and then you can then have a publishable asset that you can drop on your website or in a social campaign.

Depending on what you’re doing. So that’s kind of how it functionally works.

Pat Flynn: Is that gonna be like potentially an I embedable video that we can include on our sales page or website, for example.

Casey Hill: Correct. Yeah. Yeah. So we have a concept, we call it like walls of love. So you can get an individual embed links.

You can click on any testimonial response that comes in. You can click download it. So if you wanna use it, you know, mash it up, put a preview or something. If you wanna edit it, you can download it. You can have an individual in bed lengths. If you just wanna drop one really good testimonial somewhere, or you can tag multiple one.

And you can create what’s called a wall of love. So it’s a compilation of a whole bunch of ’em that will put, and you can drop in. And that kind of gives you that confidence and numbers, phenomenon, where you could grab say 10 of them and have those all together.

Pat Flynn: So beyond the tactical ideas that we’ve talked about, as far as what questions to ask, I mean, the idea of simply organizing your testimonials in this way is absolutely huge. And it’s been a huge pain point for Team SPI for such a long period of time. I mean, I would grade us like a C when it comes to not just like asking people to leave testimonials and we do collect their story. We try to, you know, I even get sometimes to the point where I invite people on the podcast to tell their story, and that’s like the ultimate case study and I can be there in real time, like you and I are right now.

And that’s awesome. But as far as like organizing the idea of tagging them, this person. Thought that the course was gonna be too expensive. Like these four people thought the course was gonna be too expensive, but ended up getting way more value. Great. Let me tag those as such that when a person, maybe in a direct message or an email replies and says, Hey, this is too expensive.

I can literally just say, Hey, well, watch these videos here from people who said literally the exact same thing as you. And got 10 times the value coming off the other end. Or a person might say, you know, I’m scared of technology, Pat. I don’t know if I ever can do a podcast, cuz I don’t even know how to click a mouse or something.

Boom. Here are four testimonials from power out, podcasting students, all who were definitely afraid of technology. And you know, I’m thinking of a person who I talk about all the time, her name is Dr. B. She was over 60. I invited her on the podcast. People were sending me emails. After they got into the course saying, Hey, you should thank Dr. B because her story about being afraid of tech made me believe that I could do it too. But just the idea of being able to, to like go into a database of testimonials for that purpose. Or on specific parts of a sales page is like mind blowing. It’s like, why hasn’t anybody ever created anything like this before?

And with the ease of use of Bonjoro to send video, I’ve used Bonjoro historically to send videos to new customers, new email subscribers, to just have conversations with people, but for the utility of testimonials in this way, it’s like, that’s kind of revolutionary. So I wanna commend you and the team at Bonjoro for creating such a tool and making it easy for us to do.

Where can people get started on that journey to begin building their testimonial bank? If you will.

Casey Hill: First off, thank you so much for that. And we had the same problem. One of the reasons and impetus behind creating it is we also did all sorts of case studies and interviews and had stuff in Google spreadsheets and spread out all over.

Pat Flynn: That’s what we have.

Casey Hill: Yeah, I think that’s like super common across the board. Yeah. If people wanna find out more, you can go to And I’ll provide that link for you, Pat, but that’s basically a spot where you can just dive in, get straight into the specific testimonials. Kind of play around, create some surveys, open access for people. So you can get in there with just name and email, open trials and essentially start testing and start gathering those testimonials and, and refining that process. And we have lots of assets and kind of different things to help in terms of some stuff we’re talking about.

So like types of questions, different ways to kind of guide that thinking. But I think even starting small with a couple really powerful, well done testimonial. And then compare your conversion rates, right? Like I’m a big data person. So my big thing is always benchmark, right? The way you build confidence in putting together new processes is you have a really good sense of where you’re at.

Then you put that in that A/B test, add those testimonials in and look at what happens for those specific cohorts of users. And so I think that’s a, a great way to, to approach it. And we’re really excited. You know, we came, Bonjoro came from a company called Verbatim that did video testimonials. So our background, our Genesis, I don’t know if everyone knows this is actually from a company that did like done for you video testimonials, gathering for Coca-Cola and all, some of the biggest brands in the world.

And so we took that inside over the last, you know, X number of years, eight, nine years, whatever it’s. And kind of infuse that into trying to build this thing.

Pat Flynn: That’s cool. So finish off this conversation again. Thank you. And that’s Go ahead and check it out.

I wanna know what it’s like from a person who is a student or a customer’s point of view. Right? We talked about it from the creator’s point of view, creating an account, setting up these questions. You get a link that you can then send out whether directly to somebody or on mass. What is it like when I let’s say click on that link from a customer’s perspective, just so we can get a sense of what that experience will be like.

Casey Hill: So you’re basically gonna be taken to a landing page. So when they click on that link, it’s gonna take them to a, and you can have that link behind the thumbnail, or that’s like, however you wanna. They’re basically gonna be taken to a survey. And so that first question on the landing page is gonna be like your instructions slash welcome message.

Basically saying hi, setting the context of what this is about, and then there’s gonna be a little spot for them basically to start the process. They’re gonna basically be able to click they’ll add their email. So that’s sorry, they’ll add their email. They’ll click start and they’ll basically, they’ll be taken to a pain where on one side it will have the question.

And on the other side, it will have the ability for them to record. So they don’t need to. It’s important to note here. They don’t need to like record this video separately. There is an option for them to do that if they want to. So there’s an upload button. So if they’re like, they get the survey and they’re like, oh, I do everything in my studio.

I need to like, go set this up and I have this other video. No problem. But the idea is for this to be really easy and quick, so they just have their webcam, they click on it, they record their answer. It pops into the next frame. Same question. Do you wanna answer with text or video? They click video. They record.

If they click text, they type it out. And then once they finish that, they get to the last pain that basically. Thank you so much for giving this information again, custom text, say whatever you. And then that final button where they click consent and that basically closes, thank you so much. We really appreciate your time, that type of deal.

So that’s kind of the experience for someone who’s receiving it and giving you the feedback.

Pat Flynn: Nice. When it comes to the videos, is it one video per question that they could record or is it one video for the entire survey?

Casey Hill: One video per question. So each pain is treated independently so that’s a lot easier.

Pat Flynn: Yeah, exactly. A lot easier for the person to just, Hey, take it question by question record a quick video. And then as far as. What we get the person who, you know, administered the testimonial. We get, obviously each of those videos separately. But like, how do we best use those separate videos? Do, can we stitch them together or like, what’s the best source of action from there for us.

Casey Hill: Basically, all of those replies will then be collected. You can click on a person and it will basically show all the responses on their survey and you can go grab those individual videos. Basically at the point of any individual video, you’ll be able to get the in embed link or you’ll be able to download it individually if you just want the file to use somewhere.

But then there’s that tagging system that we talked about. So you can tag specific ones go through. And the last one is a published. So you kind of have your create the survey, you have your responses tab, and then you have your published tab. And the published tab is where you’re gonna be able to combine assets.

And that’s where you have the walls of love that you can build that might have six different responses that all speak to timelines. And you can then go publish that. So the replies are all together, but you can organize them with this tagging system. So it’s easy for you to grab the assets you want. And then the publish tab, if you wanted to specifically embed them onto sale landing page sales landing.

Pat Flynn: And you also said we could download them as well, in case we wanted to edit them and stitch ’em into a sales video or, or what have you.

Casey Hill: Exactly.

Pat Flynn: Right. Cool. I’m imagining another use case for this, right? So we often we’ll launch beta versions of courses or we’ll launch community and have just a small number of people in there. This would be an amazing way to set up a video based survey to get feedback from users who are using those things for the first time, and then actually collect video feedback.

Rather than just testimonials that we’ll use to promote, we can get feedback to understand more about the products that we have. Has anybody used or thought about using the tool in that kind of way?

Casey Hill: Yeah, a hundred percent. It’s funny you say that. Cuz that’s the exact thing, like in our own case for our own product in the early stages, when we had people going through beta, we’re like, we’d love to give you early access to this stuff.

All we want from you is just to tell us what your experience was like, what did you like? Where did you get stuck? You know, all these different things and then had basically gathered a bunch of videos and feedback directly from that. So that’s a great use case.

Pat Flynn: That’s awesome. Yo, Casey, this has been fantastic.

A hard hitting quick hit episode for people. I, I hope this encourages you who are listening or watching this to really get on the testimonial game because it’s definitely the lowest hanging fruit I think there is when it comes to selling more of your products. And now we have a tool that can help us organize that. Again, stick around for the outro. But Casey, thank you so much.

Congratulations to you. I know you have a kid coming in the next couple weeks, at the time of this recording, your first one. So good luck to you and, and your family and best regards, thanks and kudos to you and the Bonjoro team for always like staying on the forefront of helping us out with using videos, main tool there.

So thank you so much.

Casey Hill: Thank you so much, Pat. It’s always a pleasure to chat, man.

Pat Flynn: It’s been fun.

Pat Flynn: All right. I hope you enjoyed that conversation with Casey, over at Bonjoro. Again, I mean, this is so exciting because like I was saying earlier, the lowest hanging fruit that you could probably have in your business, once you’ve gotten started, once you’ve gotten customers and success stories, you gotta capture those success stories and share them.

And finally, there’s a tool that can help us better organize these things. And yes, you could do this on your own. And we have been doing it on our own. Through tools like Dropbox, along with Google sheets and like all the other things combined. Now we can just do it all in one spot and even make it easier for people to easily record video and get these things in the wall of love and all this other stuff is just amazing.

So thank you, Casey. Thank you to Bonjoro and thank you for listening to our 601st episode of the smart, passive income podcast. If you wanna check all the show notes and links and all the other resources mentioned in this. Head on over to I’m just imagining also the ability to strip out the audio of these testimonials or these answers to these questions, and then putting them right here in the podcast someday.

I think that that is another case study or use case for this and just such utility in it. So well done. I hope you enjoyed this episode. I hope you take action on this. Right. This episode was overall a little bit shorter than normal. But I don’t think it needed to go any longer. And now you have more time to actually go and get this done.

So, get ahead of it, check it out. And thank you for listening in today. I appreciate you and for getting all the way here to the end of the episode, but you are still on your run. You’re still at the gym. You’re still on your plane ride or whatever it might be. Go and listen to the next episode, or if you haven’t done so already listen to episode 600, which just passed.

I can’t believe we got to 600 already. Anyway, thank you so much. I appreciate you. And I look forward to serving you in the next episode of the podcast. Till then, cheers, peace out. And as always Team Flynn for the win.

Thanks for listening to the Smart Passive Income Podcast at I’m your host Pat Flynn. Our senior producer is Sara Jane Hess. Our series producer is David Grabowski. And our executive producer is Matt Gartland. Sound editing by Duncan Brown. The Smart Passive Income Podcast is a production of SPI Media. We’ll catch you in the next session.

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Smart Passive Income Podcast

with Pat Flynn

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