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SPI 753: Working with an Executive Assistant for 10 Years—What Did We Learn?

I wouldn’t be where I am in business and life without Jess Lindgren, my incredible executive assistant. That’s a fact!

To help you level up and foster a similar relationship, Jess and I share an inside look at the workflow we’ve perfected over the last decade. Listen in on today’s episode because this dynamic is essential to everything I do, from SPI to Deep Pocket Monster!

So how and where do you find your Jess? Why are we switching back to remote work after collaborating in person for years? If you already have an assistant, how do you improve your relationship and get more done?

Tune in to find out!

I’m excited because we also dive into how Jess is growing her Ask An Assistant podcast and brand. Don’t miss out because she’s doing a fantastic job helping people in her profession and developing a niche business!

Join us today, and check out episodes 115, 409, and 473 for more Jess!

Today’s Guest

Jess Lindgren

Jess has worked in the C-Suite of organizations great and small for 20+ years. She focuses on supporting her current CEO in his many endeavors, improving working relationships between EAs and CEOs, and has a very low tolerance for any meeting that should have been an email. Jess hosts the wildly popular* business podcast Ask An Assistant.

*in her Grandma’s sewing room

You’ll Learn


SPI 753 Working with an Executive Assistant for 10 Years—What Did We Learn?

Jess Lindgren: We talked about how and where and why to hire an executive assistant. Basically, you need to tap into your network. You need to ask friends and family, your colleagues, people that might be in a mastermind or coaching group with you, what are your pain points? Like, figure out, first, what do you actually need help with?

Look in unexpected places. A lot of times, parents stay at home parents that have been out of the workforce for a long time are overlooked. Some of these people are just, like, these gems just waiting to come and shine in your business. So be creative.

Pat Flynn: Today, we are bringing back somebody on the show, a fan favorite, in fact, and a favorite of mine. And this is my executive assistant, Jess, who’s been with me for over a decade now. Ten years working with Jess, and we have learned a lot. And we’ve done a lot to pass on a lot of the information of what it’s been like to work together and how to work together and what a great executive assistant to entrepreneur relationship sort of looks like. And a lot of you have passed forward some of the previous episodes where we’ve had Jess on the show. We wanna offer you another show that you can pass forward to your assistant, to other team members of yours, and or maybe other entrepreneur friends who are getting into this for the first time.

So we’re gonna bring Jess back on, get you up to date on some of the big changes that have happened, and a special offering that she has. It’s free. Don’t worry. She’s not selling you anything. But something that she has available that can help you even more.

And I gotta say, I would not be where I am today in business and in life If it weren’t for Jess, so here she is. Jess, my amazing executive assistant. If you’ve ever sent me an email or you’ve ever had any issues or have just sent anything over, you’ve likely come across Jess at some point. She’s amazing. So, here she is.

Announcer: You’re listening to the Smart Passive Income Podcast, a proud member of the Entrepreneur Podcast Network, a show that’s all about working hard now, so you can sit back and reap the benefits later. And now your host, he practices freestyle raps when driving alone in his car. Pat Flynn.

Pat Flynn: Jess, welcome back to the podcast. I’m so grateful you’re here.

Jess Lindgren: Thank you so much for having me. It’s very, very fun to be on this side of, of the show.

Pat Flynn: Because you’re usually behind the scenes. You’re behind the scenes with me almost every day. You’ve been with me for how many years have you been With me now.

Jess Lindgren: This 2024 marks ten years.

It’s been ten years we started working together in 2014.

Pat Flynn: Ten years together. It’s been It’s been a I’ll turn the audio. It’s been a wonderful ten years. If you were to sum up these ten years working together, how would you describe them?

Jess Lindgren: Really fun, really exciting. I love learning new things, and that’s obviously a big thing in your world is always Iterating, always trying new things, always coming up with new ideas to test out, and it’s never been boring, which is really important to me.

Pat Flynn: Yes. It it definitely has not been boring, and you’ve been a lifesaver in in so many different ways across the years. I mean, you came on ten years ago to start with email, and email is still a thing that we do and and tackle together, and it really hasn’t changed.

Like, our rhythm for how we tackle the inbox has been the same since the last time you’re on the show, and so we’ll link to all the times you’ve been on before. I think the first time was one fifteen, and you came back one or two more times to talk more about the systems we have implemented and those kinds of things. So gonna get into that today and, like, how we do that, but I do wanna say that you’ve done so much more. And some of those things you’ve had experience with, other things you’ve tried to figure out, I also know that you are now helping other assistants out there, which is amazing. Can you talk about that really quick before we move on?

Because I think it’s amazing, and I know you’ve personally helped a lot of my own students with their assistance and and those kinds of things, and a podcast, and, like, this is amazing. I’m so proud of you. Talk about it a little bit.

Jess Lindgren: I would love to. Thank you so much.

So through my own podcast, Ask an Assistant, I answer questions from assistance all over the world, you know, from some of those I really love getting down into the weeds of things, you know, the nitty gritty, how to, how did you do this, how did you think your way through that? And being an executive assistant, administrative assistant, virtual However, you might identify as an administrative professional. It’s a very isolated, very lonely role, and you don’t always have a community to reach out to. You know? You’re like you might be the only person in your organization who does that role.

And especially if you’re in an executive assistant role, you’re dealing with a lot of confidential and, you know, privileged information, so it’s hard to find people inside of your organization to lean on for input, for advice, that kind of thing. And I just really love providing a confidential you know, I need people to speak in generalities, But just, you know, a place that you can go and ask people for advice, ask for help, say, how would you get through this situation? Because sometimes something that you as an assistant have been thinking about working on for days, weeks, months. Somebody else sees an answer right away. And just having that group think, if you will.

Yeah. You know, more minds to tap into is just invaluable in any organization. So I love bringing that to The assistance of the world.

Pat Flynn: For sure. What’s the name of the podcast, and where should people go to to listen to that?

Because I know everybody listening is gonna go, okay. I need to get my assistant to listen to that, absolutely, for help. So where should they go?

Jess Lindgren: I would love it if any and or all of you stop by AskAnAssistant.Com.

And that’s where you can find the podcast as well, Ask an Assistant. And just I don’t have a show without everyone pitching in, asking their questions. So please stop by, ask your question, and I would love to, hopefully, help you along the way.

Pat Flynn: So good. I’m so happy for you, Justin.

I’m so happy you’re sharing your superpower with the world, because it is a superpower that you have for sure. And I think the executive assistants in the world and virtual assistants, I mean, they don’t often get the recognition they should, so I’m I’m grateful that you’re here. I’m here to recognize you and thank you publicly and just for all that you’ve done. And, you know, you used to live in San Diego with me, and we used to do a lot of things in person together, and then 2020 happened. And tell us a little bit about your journey since then because we used to run a lot of accelerator events here in San Diego.

We’ve had our higher end students come by. We used to Rent a home in La Jolla and and have a multi day event, which you were really in love with and still are, but just times have changed. So where where are you now, and What was that like?

Jess Lindgren: We did. We had a really wonderful time living in San Diego for three years.

And like you said, 2020 happened, and my husband and I It started off as a joke. We were just kinda like, hey. My sister and her family live in upstate New York, and we could move there and go back to winters if we want to. We don’t really want to because San Diego is amazing. But it would be the pro of being close to my sister and her family really outweighed the con of winter.

So, you know, what started off as a joke between the two of us just blossomed into there were some really beautiful, really old historic homes in Upstate New York, and we bought one sight unseen from San Diego. We were going on FaceTime tours. I know. It’s just So wild. Such a different time.

Something that we would maybe do again. Don’t wanna say never. We’re adventurous. But, yeah, it just turned into something that really made sense. It was something that we wanted to do anyhow eventually, and the circumstances of 2020, 2021 just kinda accelerated the timeline a little bit.

So in mid 2021, my husband and I packed up with our three cats in tow and moved to a beautiful hundred and twenty plus year old home in Upstate New York.

Pat Flynn: Very nice. And so I’m curious, like, when you were thinking about making the move, I mean, you I’ve always been so supportive, and being with me in San Diego was amazing, right, because you were just right there, and you could help me with a lot of things. What What was going through your mind when it came to okay. Well, now I’m gonna be literally on the other side of the country.

How can I still ensure that I will be there and do my job? What was going through your head? How do you how did you make well let me ask you. How did you keep it going almost seamlessly basically seamlessly because there was no blips or anything on from my end, at least.

Jess Lindgren: Oh my gosh. That is such a wonderful, wonderful thing to hear. I’m really glad that it felt seamless for you. A big way that we did that is prior to my husband and I living in San Diego in the same area as you is. You and I had worked together, Pat, when I lived in Minnesota. I think we’d worked together three ish, four ish years before I made the move to California.

You know? So I definitely had some prior experience to rely on, but being in the same time zone was amazing. We both have very similar start of day, flow throughout the day. You know, we’re both night owls. We do stuff until later at night.

And so that was really great. There were definitely some conversations on my end about, do we just live in New York and maintain California hours. Like, do we Oh, right. Right. Do we stay up until three AM eastern?

We I have not done that, but just a lot of different things went through our minds, and I was really nervous telling you about the move. I was just like, well, I hope he wants to keep working together even if we’re gonna be so far away. So it was a really huge relief to have your support through the decision to move and the process of the move and really just it’s something that I’ve always believed in and always I’m a big proponent of is just saying you know, being being honest with you first and foremost. Like, okay. This is what is on my to do list.

This is when I can deliver it to you. Like, just taking the enormity of a cross country move and saying, okay. I’m pretty out of commission right now, but I will be back. I have two hours to give you tomorrow, and I can give you a full day the next day. You know, just being really honest with where I’m at physically, mentally and honest with you about, like, hey.

If you have urgent stuff, I can do it now. But if you can wait a day or two, I would really appreciate it. So just really a lot of being honest and open communication with each other. And having your support has been I I I couldn’t have done it without you.

Pat Flynn: Yeah. Well, same. You know? And I think that open communication is is key for a working team like ours. And so for the entrepreneur out there who’s listening, Jess, like, how might you Or what might you say to them to encourage them to offer a little bit of maybe grace to their assistant for the allowance of of such a thing? I mean, every combo is different.

Right? Every every partnership is is different. But for the entrepreneur out there, and I know in 2024, especially, many people are gonna be looking to hire an assistant, maybe their first, maybe build their team out. How would you help them understand how to work with the assistant in terms of communication?

Jess Lindgren: I think that it’s really important to make sure from the outset that your communication styles are similar, that you have very outlined parameters for communication.

Like, Pat, you and I have a really good system of everything is in Slack. Absolutely everything. There’s time stamps. There’s date stamps. There’s ways to assign things to each other.

We can follow-up on things. You know, when you’re working across, you might text somebody something. You might call them for something else. You might send them an email for a third reason. Just have one central repository where all of your communication happens.

I think that’s probably the number one thing. And then just be very open and honest with your assistant, whether it’s an existing assistant that you have, maybe 2024, the start of the year, it’s January right now, is a great time to sit down and assess how are things going, what should we continue to do that’s going well, where could we use some support, you know, what could we improve on, and just have those check ins, you know, are things going well? Like, you and I, Pat, at the end of every one on one every week. You know, I just say, how how are things? You know?

Be be open and honest with each other and build that practice.

Pat Flynn: Right. And we’re building a a relationship. And I think that’s That’s the other important part of this. It’s not just, like, hiring a person to be like a machine.

It’s a actual human being and, you know, building a relationship with them is is really key. And it’s a two way conversation. It’s yes. You perhaps hire this person to help you and do work for you, but also you need to help them help you. And, like, I mean, this is a small example, but yesterday or maybe it was today, we were talking on Slack and I was replying to a thread, and I didn’t tag you.

And in Like, if you don’t tag a person within a thread, oftentimes, those notifications will go unnoticed. So you would just simply said, hey, Pat, by the way, make sure that if you ever reply to me within a thread to just at tag me. And it’s like, okay. Sure. I’d be happy to do that because that makes your workflow easier, and I’m wanting to make sure you see those notifications.

I mean, that’s such a small example, but I could have also said, No. It’s your job to find everything that I say whether I tag you or not. Right? And that’s like I mean, I could go that way, but and and and on one hand, people may might argue that that’s the case, but, no, we’re we’re here to help each other, and that’s always been the case since the beginning. And we’ve had to have conversations before that are maybe a little bit more serious about things just to make sure that we continue to stay in that alignment much like how a marriage, you have to have sometimes sit downs and talk about important things in order for the future to be brighter together, and and we’ve done that really well.

And I’m I’m just Very grateful that we can share those things with everybody because, you know, we wanna help you and your teams.

Jess Lindgren: Yeah. That’s something that I really appreciate is that you have always understood that my success feeds into your success. It feeds into the Smart Passive Income brand success. It feeds into the success of course students, YouTube watchers, like, everybody.

Like, every single part of the business that you touch, my success just feeds into all of that. Like, it’s just a very important behind the scenes piece of making sure everything runs well and smoothly.

Pat Flynn: For sure. Another brand that you have now been since helping me with is Deep Pocket Monster, and I’m curious to know what you thought about this move. I mean, 2020 happened.

You moved to New York, and then I moved into a completely brand new space in the Pokemon arena, And now it’s blown up, and you’ve been supporting and helping with a lot of those kinds of things, communications, and even some other things that we’ll get into in just a minute. But I just wanna get your initial what’s your reaction to now this new thing that, you know, Pat Flynn is doing? Still doing everything else, but now there’s this Pokemon thing. Like, what’s your reaction to that?

Jess Lindgren: My reaction to that is I was not surprised.

That is something that I I was surprised by the niche or niche, if you will. Yeah. Definitely surprised that it was Pokemon. Pokemon how how do we say it correctly? Potato, potahto.

There we go. Drives my nephews crazy when I say Pokemons. They don’t they don’t care for that.

Pat Flynn: Oh, yeah. No.

The Pokemon is plural.

Jess Lindgren: I know. But not surprised by the new direction, surprised at the specific niche for sure, but not surprised that you tried something new, not surprised that it was successful. You know, you’ve got a lot of time a lot of the Smart Passive Income skills and a lot of the Things that you’ve done over the years feed into the success of the Deep Pocket Monster brand. So, like Right.

Right. During the pandemic, live streaming for three hundred and sixty five days in a row, You could probably run your what’s the switch the soundboard that you have? The the Stream Deck? Yeah. Like, your Stream Deck and your Roadcaster.

Like, you can run those things in your sleep. You know the ins and outs of every piece of software that you use, every sound a fact that you want, you know, so much more about editing and storytelling and, you know, everything. All of your is it fifteen ish years now since you, about, about, mhmm. Started.

You know? So just all of those skills that you’ve accidentally or purposefully learned over the years just feed into the success, and it’s fun. It’s something that, you know, your family is involved in. It’s very approachable, even something that I’m not super interested in personally, but my nephews are. You know?

So that gives me a new appreciation of the work and another reason to be involved and be excited and passionate about it.

Pat Flynn: I mean, you you appreciated enough to have Pokemon Crocs when you come to a Pokemon event that I host. You know? I I admire that. But thank you for saying that.

And, yes, A lot of people see the Pokemon channel who don’t know about SPI in my history, and they go, wow. This is like an overnight success. Like, you just started this and it blew up, and it’s like, No. This is year thirteen that I started this channel, and I took everything that I learned in the past and put it into this. And you’re right.

The live streaming, the storytelling, the video editing, and working with Dan Patrick Norton on our end as well. He’s been super amazing at being the producer for that. And we have a very lean team, but you’re definitely a part of that. And everything from being there to make sure the creators at Card Party are are taken care of to making sure I’m taken care of at an event that’s completely new for us to do, mhmm. As well as communications.

And then lately, I’ve sort of empowered you and to help with a lot of, like, booking things. And, you know, I’m gonna be doing collaborations. We wanna rent out certain spaces. We did a thing where where we’re gonna research renting out an entire football stadium to try and do a challenge event or a challenge video, and you presented a lot of different things related to that as far as cost and, like, who to who who to talk to and reach out. Like, you’ve been doing a lot of more producer type stuff now since DPM has come around.

So what is your thought? What’s what’s your reaction to opening up more avenues of of different kinds of work for you as an executive assistant, but it’s definitely more than just answering emails, booking travel, you’re doing a lot of new things now. Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing? Is it like, where where’s your head at with that?

Jess Lindgren: Oh my god. I love it. Just like I said earlier, it’s no two days are the same. Nothing is ever boring. You know, there are definitely tasks that need to be done in any business, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, what have you.

And there are people who love a well defined here’s the schedule. Here’s when we do this stuff, and they execute on that stuff well. I love it when Pat throws me a curveball. I love it when he says, hey. Weird idea.

Hey. I had this crazy thing that I saw on social media, and I wanna do my own spin on it. Like, I love it when you come to me with new things to try and do. And very similar to your thirteen years of YouTube experience, streaming experience, storytelling experience, That all feeds into the success of DPM. My twenty years as an executive assistant, you know, I have great research skills.

I have good people skills, good phone skills. You know, there are different things that all feed into the success of expanding the role into more of a producer slash manager slash whatever the role becomes with Deep Pocket Monster in the future. And I just think I’m so lucky to have had that experience and that it feeds into continuing to keep things rolling forward.

Pat Flynn: So good. I’m so excited to see where we take things and especially with DPM.

And like you said, the families involved, it’s making me feel like a kid again. It’s in such an interesting niche if you were to be on the outside. But if you’re on the inside, it makes sense because I grew up with collectibles and, you know, I have absolutely loved the space and It’s cross generational, and it’s I’m just having a great time. So I I’m grateful that you’re there to support that. I’m gonna ask a question on behalf of the entire audience.

It’s a question that I’ve gotten about you for years now. And the question is as follows, where do I find my Jess? How do I find somebody like you? And I’ve had and I’m gonna guess that many people have reached out and have tried to headhunt you and, like, pull you away from me, and I’m glad you’re still here. So because that can’t happen, everybody, Jess, please don’t go anywhere.

Where can people find your clones?

Jess Lindgren: Oh my goodness. That’s a really great question. One that I would still I I’m still constantly on the lookout for great places to point people. You had allowed me to record an episode of the Ask Pat podcast.

Oof. I still lived in Minnesota then, so this was at least five, maybe six years ago, and we talked about how and where and why to hire an executive assistant. I think a lot of the tips from that episodes still hold true. We’ll again, like Pat said, we’ll link it in the description, the show notes. But, basically, you need to tap into your network.

You know, you need to ask people that you see in your neighborhood. You need to ask friends and family. I think it’s also great to ask the people around you, your colleagues, people that might be in a mastermind or coaching group with you, what are your pain points? Like, figure out first, what do you actually need help with? I came to work with Pat, as you said, back in 2014, episode 115.

It was specifically to help you with email. That was something that you had the very acute pain point of needing help taming your inbox and then maintaining a tame inbox. You know, keeping all the pieces moving behind the scenes, interacting with the audience, answering questions. When we first started working together in 2014, you had just started to speak on stages. So, you know, logistics with conferences, that kind of thing.

Like, that was your very acute pain point. You might find as you ask people around you, your friends, your family, the people that live with you, your colleagues, mastermind cohort, what have you, you might find that your pain point isn’t actually business related. You might find that you need help with laundry and grocery shopping and picking up your kids after one day a week, they have an after school program. Maybe what you really need help with is you need, like, a personal assistant. You need a chef.

You need a a housekeeper. You need to coordinate with a parent, and every other week, One of you will do the after school pick up or drop off. You know what I mean? So, like, it’s not always necessarily business help that you need with, but when it is business help that you need with, asking your network. When you see a great cashier at a store, hand them your business card.

Say, hey. I just had such a wonderful interaction with you. You are so professional. You are so knowledgeable. You’re so smart.

I would love to buy you a cup of coffee and discuss what, basically, having you come work in my business instead of at this other business might look like. Look in unexpected places. A lot of times, parents stay at home parents that have been out of the workforce for a long time are overlooked for opportunities because they have these big gaps in their resume. They have big gaps in their job history. Those people have been working their tails off.

For anybody who is a parent and, Pat, I’m sure you and your wife, April, can speak to this. My husband and I moved here to upstate New York to be closer to my sister and her husband and their three kids, we get a taste of what parenting is like. It is a whole job. People that are looking to reenter the workforce, those people have so many skills. They have conflict resolution skills.

They have priority management skills. These are the people that get their kids to every single activity. They get them to and from school on time with clean clothes, with a lunch packed, with a smile on their face. Like, some of these people are just, like, these gems just waiting to come and shine in your business. So be creative.

Don’t feel like you have to write a fifteen page job description. You really need somebody who’s gonna be a good personality fit, somebody you like to talk with, somebody you like to work with, and just Start small. Some of the best advice I ever got, because I came in as a contractor very early on, was from Matt on the team, Matt Gartland. Because I had started to kinda foray into hiring some people to work under me and kinda be my own agency. He was just like, hire slowly, fire quickly.

You will know very, very quickly if somebody is a good fit or not. Take the time, pay attention, invest some time, give them a small project to work with. Do they do the small project? Do they do it on time? Do they do it the way they said they would?

Did they turn in good work? Great. Give them a bigger project. Did they totally ghost on you? Great.

Don’t give them any more projects. You know? Like, it just yeah.

Pat Flynn: No. That’s really helpful. As we begin to wrap up here, I wanna ask a question on behalf of those who already are working with an executive assistant or some help. And what would be the best way for an entrepreneur, a business owner to to better that relationship right now? What’s A great way for an existing business owner to be able to expand upon the relationship that they have with their assistant, make it better, and set themselves up for success this year.

Jess Lindgren: I think a great way to do that is to, kinda like we said before, sit down, have open conversation with each other, talk about what’s going well. Talk about where you feel that you need support.

Talk about what you wanna continue to do, what you feel is unnecessary. What is it? It’s there’s like a there’s an evaluation tool, like start, stop, continue. So what do we need more support with? What do we need to start doing?

What do we need to stop doing because it’s unnecessary? And what’s going well that doesn’t need to change? And I think the perspective that you get as a business owner, as an entrepreneur from the people around you, their perspective will be very different than your perspective because they touch different parts of the business. They interact with you and your customers, your clients, your students, whatever your area of service might be and just get that feedback from your assistant, from your CFO, from whoever, you know, anybody inside of your business. But, yeah, really really with your assistant because I think that they see a lot of a lot of high level.

And it’s high level work that we do, but it’s also very granular, if that makes sense. Like, it’s kinda both ends of the spectrum. So I think assistance like you touched on earlier, Pat, assistance are not as recognized as we should be and sometimes overlooked. You have such a valuable resource sitting in your office, whether it’s virtual or in person. Ask them to pitch in, get their feedback, get their opinions, and I think you’d be really surprised.

Pat Flynn: For sure. Last time you were on the show, April seventh 2021, which was over a thousand days ago, which is insane. We brought you on to talk about appreciation because it was a certain holiday, assistant appreciation day. And so I don’t think we necessarily need to wait until that day every year to show appreciation. To finish up here, what would be the best way for an entrepreneur working with an assistant to make that assistant feel recognized and make them feel special?

I know that there are different ways to be able to do that in in a different levels, but maybe some advice for the entrepreneur who isn’t really thinking about that right now. I love this question.

Jess Lindgren: I agree. It does not need to wait until April every year when administrative professionals day is. It can be a daily thing, kinda like a gratitude practice.

You know, I think it’s very important, there are the love languages. There’s a book and quiz out there about love languages. I also think there is a, like an office version of that, like a professional setting version of that. But some of the big ones are words of affirmation and gifts.

Those are two ways. And figuring out which one it is that your assistant appreciates most, you, you know, because there’s definitely times throughout the year where gifts are appropriate to mark milestones, to mark certain holidays or special occasions. But, you know, just really kind words from the person or team that you’re supporting, those are the things that stick with me for years. And that’s something that I’m very grateful for and very fortunate to have in Pat that he is the first person to say, hey. I noticed that thing that you did.

It was great. Keep it up. I really appreciated that. I couldn’t have done what I did without what you did. You know?

Whether it’s to me, whether it’s somebody else on the team, whether it’s a success story in the SPI universe, like, whatever part, small or large that Pat plays. Like, he is the first person to look at others and notice and recognize what they did, what they’re doing. I just I’m I’m so lucky. Like, the words mean more to me than anything ever could. And figuring out what that balance is for the people in your life, whether it’s words, whether it’s gifts, whether it’s some kind of company wide recognition, figure that out and build it into your daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, special occasion, schedule.

Pat Flynn: Perfect. Well, one more opportunity here while we’re alive to say thank you, Jess, for all that you’ve done to go along those those themes. You’ve done tremendous work, continue to do tremendous work, and I’m excited to continue that work with you into Future. So I thank you so much, and thanks for coming on. And we’ll link to all the things that Jess talked about, all the resources, podcast episodes, etcetera.

Yeah. Jess, you’re amazing. Thank you so much for coming on today.

Jess Lindgren: Thanks so much for having me.

Pat Flynn: Alright. That was incredible. And at the start of this year, I hope that you were thinking about potentially hiring some help and, you know, not I don’t wanna use the word unloading, but it kinda is. I mean, it feels like a load off my shoulders that Jess is able to help me with, and and I want the same for you. And it could be big things. It could be small things.

Like, when we first started, it was just email for me, and it grew into so much more. And we are a team now. We are an absolute team, and we’re doing stuff on Deep Pocket Monster, which is great. Still continuing to do stuff for SPI together. And I’m just so grateful that she’s, she’s been able to spend some time with us today here on the podcast.

Definitely check out her stuff at Perhaps you have an assistant that you wanna forward over to Jess and ask some questions that she can answer some questions for. So, Jess, you’re amazing. Thank you again. I appreciate you, and I appreciate you for listening in and doing what you can to allow yourself to focus on the things that you wanna focus on that you are great at.

Trust me, there’s a lot of amazing people out there like Jess who can be there to support you in the way that you need that support. So you can focus on what you wanna focus on. They can focus on what they’re great at. And like I said, I would not be here today doing what I’m doing in the way that I’m doing it if it wasn’t for Jess. And I only wish somebody like Jess for you as well.

So anyway, thank you so much. I appreciate you, and I look forward to serving you in the next episode of the SPI podcast. Be sure to subscribe If you haven’t already, we got a lot of big stuff coming your way this year, a lot of great interviews, and I look forward to sharing them with you. Cheers, everybody. Peace.

Thank you so much for listening to the Smart Passive Income podcast at I’m your host, Pat Flynn. Sound editing by Duncan Brown. Our senior producer is David Grabowski, and our executive producer is Matt Gartland. The Smart Passive Income Podcast is a production of SPI Media, and a proud member of the Entrepreneur Podcast Network. Catch you next week!

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Smart Passive Income Podcast

with Pat Flynn

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