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SPI 119: What Is the “Minimum Marketable Event?” (And How Did LeadPages Use It To Go from Zero to 25K Customers in Less Than Two Years?)

Clay Collins, founder of LeadPages (a company that I’m an advisor for), was our featured guest in Session 78 of The SPI Podcast.

That episode has over 760 comments, and is my second most downloaded interview of all time. More importantly, it seems to be the episode that most people talk about when I ask them what their favorite episode is.

I always follow up with “Why?”, and the reasons are usually the same:

It has the most actionable content.

Clay brought so many useful tips and strategies for building an audience and increasing email conversions, I get messages each week from people who have put those tips into action and share their results with me. In fact, I just checked the comment section of that episode…

I took a screengrab for you.

I personally have used a number of Clay’s strategies myself since that episode and have seen a dramatic increase in my conversion rate too.

That’s why I’m extremely excited to welcome Clay back to the SPI Podcast today!

The awesome thing about Clay’s strategies are that they aren’t made up from thin air. He and his company have a billion (yes, a billion) data points in their analytics, and their tool across all websites are collecting over 4,000,000 opt-ins per month. Because they keep track of all of that, he knows what’s strategies and principles are working, and what strategies and principles are really working.

In this episode, we recap a couple of the strategies that were talked about the last time (namely the ones I’ve implemented myself and the results), and we also get into some launch strategies as well, which were very interesting because he talked about things I’ve never heard of before, including something called the minimum marketable event.

Also, don’t miss the huge giveaway mentioned in this episode (more information below), as well as a tremendous opportunity for you to get some direct feedback and education from Clay and his team.

Clay’s Monster LeadPages Giveaway (and Exercise)

A 2-Year LeadPages Enterprise membership costs $1000.00. Clay is giving away two of them for free.

As mentioned in this episode (at the 29:04 mark), you can enter to win by doing the following:

The idea here is to get you to think about how you could create a unique lead magnet or giveaway for a unique blog post (or podcast or video) that you already have on your own site. Site-wide giveaways are great (similar to how I give away Ebooks the Smart Way at the end of each and every post), but a unique giveaway that is relevant to a single piece of content you have can perform much better.

I found this to be the case when I experimented with this tactic in the middle of this podcast episode here. The conversion rate on that particular giveaway, since it’s relevant to that particular show’s topic (email management and productivity), is much higher than normal.

So here’s all you have to do to enter…

In the comment section of this post:

  1. Pick an existing piece of content on your site. Preferably, it’s one of your more popular pieces. Paste the link to that article in your comment.
  2. Along with that link, think of a unique giveaway or lead magnet that you could create just for that one piece of content. You don’t have to actually create or build it (although hopefully you will later), but give it some good thought as if you were going to create it. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, Clay and I brainstorm various types of giveaway ideas at the 26:30 mark of this episode. Describe what this giveaway is in your comment.
  3. Create the headline for your giveaway. This is the copy that you would use next to your opt-in form to get people to subscribe and get your giveaway.

And that’s it. Clay and I each will pick one winner. You have until 11:59:59pm PST on Thursday, August 7th to enter, and winners will be notified by email.

Beyond the giveaway, Clay and a few members of his copywriting team will periodically come into the comment section within the contest period to reply to your comment and help you re-craft or re-write your headline. How awesome is that!!

To allow Clay’s team to better help you, in addition to the 3 steps above, you may benefit from sharing a sentence or two about why you chose that particular giveaway.

Thank You Clay!

If you enjoyed this session of the SPI Podcast, let Clay know by clicking on the link below and sending him a quick shout out on Twitter:

Click here to thank Clay on Twitter!

Thank You for Listening! Just One Favor…

If this episode has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons at the bottom of the post.

That’s all! Thanks so much, and I look forward to reading about your lead-magnet and your headline in the comment section below.


Today’s Guest

Clay Collins

Today I’m joined by Clay Collins, co-founder and CEO of LeadPages.

You’ll Learn

  • The two-step opt-in process, and my own results from using the strategy.
  • The tactics that helped LeadPages grow to 25,000 paying customers in only 15 months.
  • What the minimum viable product, the minimum viable audience and the minimum marketable event are all about.
  • The most underutilized (but most valuable) page on your website.
  • Clay’s ideal launch plan that works for any business—from software to coaching.


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