In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I’m really excited to welcome Joel Comm to the show! Joel and I have a conversation that covers several different topics ranging from iPhone applications, to Adsense, Twitter, Klout and more.
Only a few people know this story, but Joel was actually someone who, back in early 2009, inspired me and one of my high school friends during a round of golf to create an iPhone application company together.
Since then, my buddy and I have created a couple of dozens apps (100% by outsourcing our ideas), and a few of those apps are still going strong today almost 5 years later. In total, we’ve earned well over 6-figures from our fun little venture, and Joel was 100% the inspiration behind getting started.
My buddy and I first heard about Joel Comm in December of 2008 when he received a ton of publicity for publishing his earnings report for a iPhone app that he built. I believe he was the first person to do this with an iPhone app, and you’ll hear all about that story and his (pretty ridiculous) iPhone app that took off.
We get a little silly during that part of the conversion. Please excuse our silliness. 😉
After discovering Joel, I soon realized that Joel had a lot of other things going on online. He’s published a best-selling book about Google Adsense, as well as another book on Twitter, and he’s been doing this Internet marketing thing in cutting-edge style since 1995!
I took away a lot of great information from chatting with him, and I’m sure you will too.
Thanks Joel! Want to Thank Joel Yourself?
If you enjoyed this episode and have 3 seconds, please click on the link below to quickly thank Joel on Twitter!
Click here to thank Joel on Twitter!
I’d Like to Share the Top Business Podcast Award With You!
For the 3rd year in a row, you’ve nominated The Smart Passive Income Podcast for the Top Business Podcast for the Podcast Awards! Thank you!
I have yet to win the category though, but I think this is the year for the SPI Podcast—but I need your help!
Starting tomorrow, November 1st, you can vote daily for the SPI Podcast at for a couple of weeks. It would mean the world to me to win this category this year and I’d love to dedicate and share this award with all of you!
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Today’s Guest
Joel Comm
In today’s episode I’m chatting with Joel Comm about iPhone applications, Adsense, Twitter, Klout and more.
You’ll Learn
- How Joel created the most talked about iPhone app of all-time, and his strategy for marketing it.
- How Joel dealt with the 200+ copycat apps that came about from the success of his own app.
- Tips for Google Adsense users in today’s environment, including the exact types of ads that work the best.
- How Joel is using tips from an SPI podcast to help with book marketing for his new book.
- Tips for those who are just getting started with Twitter (and specific tips Joel has for me too!)
- How I use Twitter to “test” things and get feedback.
- How Joel keeps his brand consistent across all of his social media platforms.
- All about that blue Twitter verification checkmark on your Twitter profile.
- The importance and significance of Klout and why you need to pay attention to it. [Editor’s note: The Klout service is no longer active.]
- Plus a whole lot more..
- (Joel’s Main Website)
- Joel Comm’s New Podcast on iTunes
- The Adsense Code (Joel’s NYT BestSelling Book)
- Twitter Power 2.0
- So What Do You Do? (Joel’s New Book!)
- SPI Podcast Session #79 with Jeff Goins (Book Publishing Tips)
- Matt Clark from TweetPages
- Klout [Editor’s note: The Klout service is no longer active.]
- Joel on Twitter