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SPI 113: An Interview with 10-Year-Old Entrepreneur, Enya Hixson

This interview was one of my all-time favorites.


Because it was with a 10-year old entrepreneur named Enya Hixson!

I recently met Enya’s parents, Mike and Natalie, at Social Media Marketing World and after chatting about kids (which parents tend to often do with each other), I learned all about the businesses Enya was involved in, and was super inspired!

I knew that I had to get her on The SPI Podcast.

And guess what? She also has a podcast of her own called Entrepreneur Kids! How cool is that!?

As many of you know, I have two kids of my own (4 and 1), so this episode is especially meaningful to me. Even if you don’t have kids, there’s a lot of golden nuggets in this episode that you can learn from. Plus, I mean—she’s only 10!

This is a shorter episode (I didn’t want to take too much of Enya’s time. She does have businesses to run!), but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. You may even enjoy my rendition of a song from Disney’s Frozen in the intro. Or, maybe not.

Plus, we also hear from her dad Mike who tells some great stories about Enya’s business.

And Finally…Thank You!

I hope you enjoyed this episode with Enya and her dad, Mike! Thanks so much for listening!

Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each and every one of them, and feel free to share your URL there so I can contact you later on and say thanks!

And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like answers to previously submitted voicemail questions!), head on over to! The bite-sized show has over a million downloads and counting!

Cheers, and thanks again!

Today’s Guest

Enya Hixson

My guest today is an awesome, 10-year-old entrepreneur!

  • Website:

    Entrepreneur Kids


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