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SPI Resource Library
The Podcast Cheat Sheet
Starting a podcast doesn’t have to be hard. The Podcast Cheat Sheet is your ultimate technical checklist for setting up a podcast—and it comes with a free video series to walk you through setup.
Starting a Podcast Is Cheaper than You’d Probably Expect
It’s also less complicated than you might imagine. Yes, there are a lot of steps, but you can do it, and we can help. Download our Podcast Cheat Sheet, and you’ll receive Pat Flynn’s How to Start a Podcast video series, two free tools designed to guide you through the process of starting your podcast.
The Ultimate Technical Checklist
Veteran podcaster Pat Flynn has set up many podcasts over the years, and in the process, he’s created a start-to-finish checklist that the SPI team relies on every time we need to get a new show up and running—and now you can have that checklist for free!
This checklist has everything you need in order to get started with your show now.
What’s in the Podcast Cheat Sheet
With the Podcast Cheat Sheet, you have a wealth of knowledge right at your fingertips in checklist form, including:
All the Steps from Zero to Launch
The Podcast Cheat Sheet will help you make sure you don’t miss any of the details.

Part of SPI’s Free Resource Library

In addition to the Podcast Cheat Sheet, you’ll also get access to the free resource library, packed with other cheat sheets, videos, and challenges to help you grow your business. Be sure to check out the resource called How to Start a Podcast, Step by Step, which has video tutorials to teach you how to record, edit, and upload your podcast.

A free checklist for starting your podcast
Make sure you don’t miss a step! The Podcast Cheat Sheet gives you all the steps you need to start your show.