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SPI 742: How to Write a Book Fast with Azul Terronez

Have you ever considered writing a book? Chances are, if you can think of an idea for one, you can also come up with excuses to trick yourself into not doing it. But what if there was an easy way to knock out a quick manuscript?

Excellent news — our incredible Teaching Friday series is back! We love inviting members of our SPI Pro community to share their knowledge and provide actionable tips to supercharge your business.

Tune in because the expert guest hosts we have lined up will absolutely blow your socks off. Azul Terronez, author of The Art of Apprenticeship [Amazon affiliate link] and co-founder of Authors Who Lead, is no exception!

We’ve heard from Azul before in episodes 379 and 613. As you might remember, he was my writing coach on Will It Fly? [Amazon affiliate link] and a huge part of that book’s success.

The exercises and strategies Azul shares will help you unlock your inspiration, bust through writer’s block, and finish writing a book — even if you only have thirty minutes per day. Azul’s guidance made all the difference for me, so don’t miss this episode!

SPI 742: How to Write a Book Fast with Azul Terronez

Azul Terronez: I want you to just be in the moment, write in a place of presence, write in that moment. You could only write as good as you are in that moment. You can’t magically get better and hope that by waiting, I’ll be better later, so maybe I’ll write later.

So we’re going to let go of our editor brain. We’re going to stop thinking when we write and try practicing that and observe what happens.

If you get stuck a lot, my feeling is probably you’re thinking way too much. Then you need to stop thinking. That’s why I encourage you to write whatever comes. Don’t try to judge it.

It might take practice, but you’ll get there.

Pat Flynn: Hey, hey, it’s Pat here. You’re about to listen to something a little different on the show today. It’s not our usual Friday format where I follow up on Wednesday’s episode. Don’t worry, those aren’t going away forever. Just a little break to bring in something even more special, in my opinion. And this episode and the next few are a part of our Teaching Friday series, which we do with our SPI Pro members.

We have an incredibly talented pool of people within SPI. Why not give our pros, the spotlight and teach you here on the podcast every once in a while. it’s just one of the perks of being a part of Pro in fact. With each episode, you get to hear a different pro, teach you something special from their area of expertise.

Without further ado, I’ll let them take it away. Oh, and if you want to find out more about SPI Pro and be a part of it, you can go ahead and apply at

Announcer: You’re listening to the Smart Passive Income Podcast, a proud member of the Entrepreneur Podcast Network, a show that’s all about working hard now, so you can sit back and reap the benefits later. And now your guest host. He walked Mariah Carey back to her seat after receiving her first American Music Award, Azul Terronez.

Azul Terronez: Hi, everyone. My name is Azul Terronez . I am the co founder of Authors Who Lead with my husband and partner, Steve Vannoy, and I’m here today to help you write the book you’ve been wanting to write. Now, I have an interesting entry point into this world is that I am Pat Flynn’s book coach, and I started out as his student at one of his one day business breakthroughs and then became the coach to help him write the Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller, Will It Fly?

I’m going to break down some of the methods today, the unusual methods that help me write my book in just 30 days and how you can do this as well. And I’ll teach you one simple trick that will three times your writing speed and help you finish your book, even if you have limited time, like 20 minutes a day.

So we’re going to dive right in and get all into why this episode matters. So, first of all, so many of us want to write a book. In fact, New York Times, I believe in 2008, published an article that said that most North Americans, 81 percent of them, have a book inside of them. But the funny reality is, only 3 percent ever actually finish a book, get it out there.

A manuscript that gets published is so rare. Sometimes people even finish books but never put them out there. And the truth is, a lot of it has to do with fear. Now we’re going to talk about why we get stuck on anything. It could relate to business as well, but building something isn’t always clear. And I think a lot of people think that we need to know it every outcome before we’ll commit and writing a book has a really interesting resistance point. We can talk about it in many ways, but one of the ways that Steven Pressfield, the author of The War Of Art says, it’s like resistance. And we’re going to talk about that resistance today and what you can do to diminish it, to get writing again and actually get a book done in no time.

So let’s dive right in. So what happens when you’re getting stuck? What I tell people is this this feeling of like, oh, I just I’m really confident other areas of my life but why am I getting stuck writing this book? Well, a lot of the reasons we get stuck is that we have this sort of uncertainty about the outcome and a lot of it isn’t your fault. But that sort of uncomfortable feeling that we have like what if this isn’t good? What if no one buys it? What if it sounds bad? What if mom finds out? What if my peers know? What if my boss knows I’m writing a book? We start creating all these fears and doubts before we even get to write. And with that, we get stuck on our own head, and we create a block. So before I can teach you the method to get the writing done faster, I’ve got to help convince you right now that writing a book isn’t hard.

Now, does it take time? Does it take effort? Is it difficult in the regards of the steps? True, it is. But the idea of it, it’s simple. It’s one word right after the other. And that’s it. That’s really important to remember is that writing isn’t complex. It’s all the things we associate with writing that makes it difficult.

And yes, you may be thinking, well, getting a good idea, how to structure it, how to organize the chapters. You’re talking about great things, but those aren’t writing principles. Those are sort of organizing and editing principles. But writing the actual work is merely putting a word and then another word and et cetera.

So why does it get so difficult? Well, the majority of people who sit down and write the book, they use what they’ve learned in school. Right? We were taught writing from the very first day of school, whether that was to write our name, the alphabet, paragraphs, papers. We were trained in school to write. But the interesting thing is, I don’t believe that we were trained to be writers.

I think the majority of the time we were taught to be editors. Now, I was a teacher, a principal, and a professor for 25 years. I spent a lot of time teaching people writing. But it was in the beginning that I realized all I was doing is imitating writing that I was taught. What I observed is that most people are editing.

Right? You sit down to write a paper. Let’s imagine. Let’s pick a time when you were assigned a paper in school. More than likely you put it off. Maybe some of you are good at this. You write it at the last minute, but you still get an A. And some of us who are terrible, we dread it. No matter how hard we work, it doesn’t seem to get us a good grade.

Well, all we’re doing is trying to edit to some end. We’re editing towards the grade in the class, trying to please our professor, our teacher, trying to get into the next appropriate schooling. So we’re writing for an audience that’s constantly in our mind as we write, we’re editing, write a paragraph, delete, write a sentence, delete.

Maybe you brought this into your writing a book ordeal. Can you relate that you write, write, write, you go, oh, this is no good, and you delete? Well, the reason we’re editors is because we have this outcome. We have to know what we’re doing. If I’m an A student, I’m going to do whatever it takes to make it an A, a B, whatever I need to do if I’m just passing the class.

So you got to realize you were trained to be editors and the way your brain works is constantly is your editor brain is fighting with your creative brain. Your editor brain, sort of that hemisphere of your brain, it’s job is to be critical, to start to ask questions, to try to reorganize, to make judgments about is this the right step, because it’s job is to do so.

It’s a really important function to have an editor brain. And some of us did better than others. If you’re really good at English, you might have a really strong editor brain that knows how to actually make words sound good. But, it may be difficult to write a book or put your own thoughts on paper when there isn’t any editorial criteria required to write the book, right?

You’re editing the book to make it better for yourself. But if you’re constantly finding yourself not producing any writing or you, you sit on the right, you just don’t know where to begin, a lot of it is you’re beginning with the editor brain already turned on and you’ve got to turn it off. So I want you to sit and do this activity.

I want you to write, write for 10 minutes, but I don’t want you to think when you write. I know that sounds strange. Don’t think. But if you’re thinking, you’re constantly judging what’s coming out of your mind before you even put it on the paper. Because your editor brain is jumping in, right? You’re saying, okay, so I’m going to start like this.

And you start writing. You’re like, no, no, no. Your brain says, no, not like that. That’s the wrong word. Try, try it again. And you go back. You’re like, okay, start this way. Your editor brain kicks in and says, no, no, no, no. That’s not good enough. So you keep writing and deleting. That’s a really difficult thing.

So to write without thinking means I’m going to just start writing and whatever comes out comes out. Some people associate this with free writing, like, Oh, it’s just free writing. Well, so, free writing, if you believe that writing away from your mind, taking control of your pen, we can call it that, but I’d like to think of it as thinking without writing or writing without thinking where you’re actually just letting the words pass through you.

You don’t need your brain to think about the words as they pass through you. They can just be on the page. Now some of us will be nervous. Like, well, I don’t, how would I know what I write about if I’m not thinking? That’s a really great question, but you talk to people all day long and you don’t first think what you’re going to say every moment.

Someone stops you in the street, goes, Hey, how are you? You don’t go, hang on a second. Let me think about what I’m going to say. You just respond and it’s natural, maybe for more than others, a little more natural, but the point is you’re not always thinking when you’re communicating. Your brain actually is a, is a really great filter, but it can also be a hindrance.

So I want you to practice writing at times where you’re not thinking, and it’s going to be strange because things will just come in your mind. In fact, I tell writers when you’re stuck writing, let’s say you’ve been writing and you’re like, I don’t know what to say. I want you to write, I don’t know what to say and keep writing that or whatever else comes to your mind so that you can witness your brain thinking rather than writing.

And when you’re done with that, after a while you realize, I don’t want to keep writing what I’m thinking. So I’m going to just write. Your brain will slowly start to relent and release. And oftentimes I make people draw out some of their chapters before they even write it. Why? Because there’s something freeing about using colors and pens and markers that feels less permanent, less heavy.

So many times we get stuck on our head because we’re constantly judging this book that hasn’t even been written yet. It’s not even a manuscript, which is what you call a book before it’s edited and published. It’s just words. And if you get caught up in all the words before you write, you’re never going to finish a book.

So first thing you need to do is turn off that editor brain, start focusing on the words that come out, observe them. After you write them though, don’t try to observe them while you’re writing. Sit down and read them and go, huh, that’s interesting. I felt like I got stuck here. And maybe you asked yourself, was I thinking here?

Was I overthinking? I don’t want you to think at all. It’s not that I don’t want you to overthink. I want you to just be in the moment, right in a place of presence, right in that moment. You could only write as good as you are in that moment. You can’t magically get better and hope that by waiting, I’ll be a little bit better later, so maybe I’ll write later.

You’re always going to be writing where you are. So if this is your first book, that’s how good it’s going to be. And as you write other books, they’ll get better. But to have some unreal expectation can kind of hold you back. So we’re going to let go of our editor brain. We’re going to stop thinking when we write and try practicing that and observe what happens.

If what happens is you get stuck a lot, my feeling is probably you’re thinking way too much. Then you need to stop thinking. Be the observer on your thoughts on the page, so at least if you’re thinking, you can see what you’re thinking on the page. That’s why I encourage you to write whatever comes. Don’t try to judge it.

Because ultimately, you want to be able to not think and write, and write about what you’re talking about in your book, without there being this weird disconnect. It might take practice, but you’ll get there. So that’s one of the strategies I want you to use first before you even start to write the actual book is to start practicing writing without thinking.

Okay, the other thing I want you to do is I really want you to actually think about the book you’re writing. Put it in your mind. Keep it there clearly and have a vision for it. But I want you to also think about why am I the unique messenger of this book? Why me? Because more than likely you’re not the only person writing on this topic.

And it might seem like, well, isn’t it great if I’m the only one talking about this? Like I’m new, I’m like before everyone else. Well, maybe you might be, you know, an early adopter, but it also is good to know that there are other people writing about this because that means that people have this problem.

So if you aren’t the first one writing about it, that’s okay. In fact, it’s probably better that you don’t. That means there’s people looking for this kind of work, but also realize that your unique lens is what makes this interesting. We’re not looking for experts, ironically. We’re looking for leaders.

Now, some of you might disagree with me and that’s fine, but think about it at the end of a college semester, you’re done with this, you’re like, I’m getting rid of these textbooks. I’m not reading this again. Maybe some of you saved your books. Maybe you had interesting classes, but for the most part, we threw out those textbooks or we donated them, sold them, whatever we did gave them to an underclassman. But at the end of the semester where some of the smartest people on the planet are inside of universities, we’re not rushing to the dumpsters of those universities at the end of semesters to get those textbooks. Because we’re not seeking experts. We’re seeking perspective.

We’re seeking a leader, someone that can lead us where we’re at to where we want to go. And yeah, though it might sound great to write to a big highfalutin audience, the only real audience you need to worry about is the one you’re writing to. And they need your expertise. They need to know who you are and why you’re their unique person to share this.

Our dear friend, Jadah Sellner, who’s been on this podcast before. I was also her book coach and she was the co founder of Simple Green Smoothies. When I met her, she wanted to write a book, but the thing that she always would remind me of is that there’s no unique messages. They’re just unique messengers.

And that is true for writing a book as well. You are unique. There will never be anyone like you, there will never be anyone after you. It doesn’t matter if you had 10 siblings or quadruplets, each one of you is original. And your own experience and perspective matters. And everyone has a voice. And when you get that clarity, you can get a little more confident.

So let’s get down to the nitty gritty of the strategies I want you to try. I’m going to try to unveil to you why you can write a book, even if you only have 30 minutes, an hour a day, because with just 20 minutes, depending on your writing speed, you can get done quickly. When I’m writing a book in 30 days, or if I’m coaching, my authors do it like Pat, they’re not sitting down and writing a book all day for 30 days.

They have other things to do, just like you. They have kids, they have sports, they have their business, they have their job, they have a partner, they have responsibilities. So I’m not suggesting that you turn off life for 30 days. I’m suggesting you get confident and clear. So when you’re writing, you’re not overthinking, and you’re actually getting the words down on the page.

So to do that, you need to understand your word count. So once you do this activity, you can set aside a timer for either one or two minutes, and you’re going to write. And you’re going to write fast and furious. Kind of take that practice you did where you’re writing without thinking and use it here.

When I say write fast and furious, I want you to type on the keyboard or write on a notepad as fast as you can. Don’t worry about punctuation, spelling. Don’t worry about word choice. I just want you temporarily to pause the editor brain for that one or two minutes and write as fast as you can. And your goal is to see how many words you can get out of you in that short period of time when you’re not worried about the editing part.

And when you’re done, I want you to count how many words you have. Now, many of you might already be thinking, well, the words I’ll have a lot of words, but they won’t be any good. Well, maybe true. That might be true. If you think a lot about it, if you have few words, they may not be good. It doesn’t mean faster words doesn’t mean it’s good. It just might mean they’re not good. They’re not the ones you want for now, so don’t judge it too quickly and you’ll get better at this over time. So you’re going to write for that one or two minutes and then figure out based on that, what’s my one minute word count. How many words can I write in one minute?

Now, the reason we’re doing that is that I want you to see once you finish the word, so if you write two minutes, obviously you cut in half to get your one minute word count. And I want you to see what happens. Now, let me paint this picture for you. I’m not the fastest writer in the world. In fact, my very first book, I got so frozen every time I got in front of the computer screen that I wrote it by longhand in a journal.

But even then I could write about 28 words a minute, which isn’t super fast. Like some of you who type fast or some of you write fast, you might have a faster speed, but just imagine that 28 words in a minute. That’s my writing pace. I’ve done it several times and that’s what it falls into. If I write for an hour a day, let’s say, and I write an hour a day and I’m able to finish 1680 words.

Now, Why does it matter how many words I wrote? Well, books are measured in the publishing world by words, not pages. Because pages can change depending on the layout. Is it a short book? Meaning, the size of the book, small or large? Is the font big? Is there quotes? Is it spacious? Is there anything else that’s in the book, an illustration?

These all can change the board count. So we don’t think about books and pages, we think about words. The average non fiction leadership book could range anywhere from 50,000-60,000 words, slightly above, slightly lower. But the reason I want you to think about words is if I take my 28 words in a minute and I write for an hour and I get that many words, even let’s not judge them if they’re good or bad.

Remember, we’re turning off the editor brain. We’re not worried if they’re good or bad. And I wrote an hour, I’d get 1680 words, not bad. But if I kept that pace up for an hour a day and I wrote. My 28 words for a minute for an hour every day at the end of that 30 day period, I would have written a 50, 000 word manuscript, the approximate length of a nonfiction book or an average book.

So. That’s how you do it. It’s math. The reason people don’t take this approach and go, how many words do I need to write today to finish a book? And realize they can write a book in one month, 30 days, or with just 20 minutes a day. Let’s say you write three times as fast as I do. Which many of you who type fast, that’s probably true.

Then if you wrote for 20 minutes a day, every day for 30 days, you would still finish a 50,000 word book. It’s not about how much time it’s about your word speed and the less you think the faster you can go. And yes, you have to edit those words. And yes, you’ll get better at writing without thinking, and you’ll do less editing.

But the biggest struggle is getting a manuscript done. It isn’t writing a good manuscript. And most people are thinking, I need to write a good one. And I want you just to write one, period. Because good manuscripts never get finished. Done manuscripts are the only ones that get finished. There is no good manuscript or bad one, there just is a manuscript.

Editors will say, look, I can work with just about anything as long as the author is honest, truthful, shares their insight, and is vulnerable. That we can’t edit. Who they are, they have to show up. They can work with just about anything. No matter how, you know, weak your writing skills might be, or you might perceive them to be.

You could actually get your book done very quickly and get help to get it better. And that’s when your editor brain can jump in. Go, Oh my gosh, I have something to do now. And it’ll take the editing skills that you have plenty of, and you’ll go through and you’ll correct the spelling and grammar. You’ll be working really hard.

And that’s what we want. We want you to work hard at getting your book better. But not while you’re writing the draft. So you’re going to have to get better at it. And yes, your first book, your first day, your first week, it’ll be odd. It’ll be uncomfortable. But if you have your book laid out and what you’re supposed to write every day, you won’t have to guess.

Yes, you do need a method for planning out your book. I’m not saying you just write whatever comes. It’s not a journal entry, right? We’re not just reading someone’s journal. You have to have a plan for your book. I’m assuming you, you do have an idea, but to break it down in smaller pieces is how you write it.

One of the things that was interesting about working with Pat is he had a lot of writer’s block when we were working together. He just couldn’t seem to sit and get the words out. Maybe you can relate. And I asked him some questions. And one of the things I wanted to know is, well, how does he write these blogs?

He writes blogs regularly. Like he seems to do those effortlessly. What was the challenge? He says, Oh, well, yeah, blogs are easy. I just opened up a Google doc and I know the, like the starter of what this is about and I just write it. I was like, well, that’s great. Let’s write the book like that. Let’s just know what you’re gonna write that day, and you write it, and then you’re done.

And that’s how easy it can be, but so many people take a book and make it so complicated. And one of the things I think gets in people’s way is, it’s the strategies that are left over from the editor brain, the editor practice that we have from school. How many of you thought that the best way to write a book is to create an outline?

Many people will say this, I will argue against them for the reason is I see more books not get finished because of outlines. Because people create an outline and think that that’s what the book’s supposed to be. The book doesn’t always turn out what you wrote. It might morph. It might change. It might have a new perspective.

You might grow and change, which changes the book. So if you’re creating an outline about a book that you haven’t even written yet and think it’s supposed to be that way, you might have a strong attachment to it and that can get in the way of you finishing because you’re changing and thinking, Oh, this is exactly what I write, but this is what my outline says I’m supposed to do.

And I don’t want you to do that because it’s like planning a trip to Europe with your family. And you have it all planned out for five weeks. We’re going to do this, get up at this time. We move like this. And what ends up happening sometimes is that belief that this is what will make it great watching the sunrise here and doing this, or it could be equated to raising a child thinking, Oh, I’ll do all these things.

So my child turns out exactly the way I want it to. And all of us know that vacationing with your family or raising a child or nothing like you thought it would be, and it doesn’t turn out as you planned and that’s just, okay, that’s the way it is. Books are no different, and if you create an outline, what I notice is it creates really strong sort of belief about what this is, and people feel reluctant to let go if something changes.

Needless to say, you do need a plan, and we have ways in teaching people how to visualize their book so they can see it, just like you can see it on an outline. But when you have something to write every day, like you know the prompt, or you know the thing that’s on the schedule to write, you’ll actually take action.

You can cross it off when you write it. And you need a plan. Too many people do this, they’re researching and calling it writing. They’re organizing and calling it writing. They’re looking up words and calling it writing. Like, ooh, I need a better word for that. They spend 10 minutes in their thesaurus looking for a better word than the word proven.

They’re doing anything and everything but writing. If that’s you, if you’re one of those researchers like, ooh, let me look this up really quick kind of person, you’re just avoiding writing. And people might say, well, I need to know what the fact is. Well, right in, look up fact here and keep going. You don’t need to know it now.

You might need that statistic to finish the book, but just put a note and keep going. In fact, what if that chapter doesn’t make it? And you waste it all this time, quote, researching there’s More than likely you’ve done the research you need to write this book and if you need more then do it before you start writing just figure out what you need And yes, there is in real time learning when you need us that know something you don’t know. But just don’t do that when it’s writing time call that research time call that investigation time but you can’t count that as writing time. You can’t count that as part of your hour or 20 minutes. You only count words on a page because that’s how books get done. Now, there’s a bit of resistance to all this stuff because it isn’t what we’re taught in school.

It isn’t how we expect it to happen. And I want you to actually do your writing test. If you have any objection to this, do the writing test to test how fast you write words. And imagine you even write slower because you’re slowing down to improve your writing, you know, quote, your ability. Which I encourage you to just write faster and you’ll get better at that.

It’s sort of like speed reading when you first start speed reading you’re like, oh my gosh How am I gonna process all this information? And as you do it faster and get faster at your reading you realize oh my gosh I’ve been reading the way I was trained in school, which is reading each word the cat and the hat, you know I’m dyslexic so these are burned in my mind. But that whole process of reading was you read one word you sound it out sound out. Most of us never let go of reading and sounding out words. In fact many people actually read the word out loud in their head. Is that you? Maybe it is. I did that for a long time because I thought that’s how you’re supposed to read.

No one told me. But when I started realizing my brain doesn’t work the same and reading one word at a time is so painful that I started to learn to speed read which allows me to read sentences, phrases at a time fast. It changed everything for me. I’m hoping this will change everything for you in writing.

Writing doesn’t have to take a long time. You’ll get better at the craft as you do it. There is no fast shortcut through it. You can’t become a better writer by just wishing you’re better. You can’t become better by taking longer. You’re only as good as you’re you’re able to be in that moment. So I’ve seen plenty of writers who didn’t overthink the writing get better.

Where the writers who think so much, they never get better at writing because all they’re doing is thinking and slowing the process down. So they’re not getting better at the craft of just not thinking. They’re staying in their lane and being comfortable with being in control. The editor brain is in control and I want you to let it go.

I want you to always remember that you’re totally able to write this book. You are called to write this book. In fact, I think about this all the time. Maya Angelou has this beautiful quote that she shared when she was still alive that there is no greater agony than an untold story inside of you. And if you’ve been waking up or feeling that nudge to write a book and it’s sort of like everywhere you turn there’s signs, it’s for a reason. And it’s only gonna get stronger. And Maybe you believe like Elizabeth Gilbert, she wrote in The Big Magic, sometimes that little planting of a, of an idea in your head stays with you and sometimes it leaves you and someone else writes that book.

Maybe that’s happened to you, like, Oh, that was the book I was going to write 10 years ago. Well, sometimes that drifts away because you didn’t take action. But you are definitely capable and you’re definitely the right one to write a book. Not only will it help you, it’ll help you grow as a human, I believe that writing is a sort of a uniquely human rite of passage, that we’re able to communicate our truth to other people.

And we know what it is. We know what writing and storytelling is because we’ve been doing it on the walls at campfires, you know, in ancient texts for centuries, millennia. Telling stories is wired into us. It’s how we pass down culture. It’s how we pass down anecdotes of our family. And it’s how we pass on our expertise to people who don’t know us yet.

So it’s innate in you. It’s built in you. There’s a reason you’re called to it. It’s part of our human existence. And if you let it, it will help you grow and change. And in fact, I’ve seen so many people build incredible businesses on the other side of their books. That’s one of the greatest things you can do is writing a book that’s successful is that there’s planning something else after the book, right?

Will It Fly is a great example. That was Pat’s first step into leaving them, you know, the affiliate marketing world completely not completely. He still was affiliate marketer still is now, but began to sell his own courses, his own things. And Will It Fly, was that entry point to reintroduce him as the creator, the content grader he is now that he allows all of us to learn from him.

And that’s something maybe you can do with your book, create something after it, create something that, that catalyzes your efforts. For me writing my very first book, the book itself, it wasn’t the book about business of writing books. I became a book coach really because of Pat Flynn, because at his event with Chris Ducker, they encouraged me and asked me questions like, wait, how did you write a book in 30 days again?

Like, can you tell me more about that? And as I explained and talked to people, people became very interested. I had no idea that on the side of writing a book, The Art of Apprenticeship was going to be something that shifted everything for me. And maybe the shift you need is inside of this book too.

Maybe you’re just afraid of what might come out. Maybe you’re wondering, what if this is no good? Well, that wonder won’t drift away because it’s a made up story, because you just try to avoid it. And if you’re going to keep telling that story, it may not be good enough, then I want you to just tell a better story.

Like, you know what? What if this is amazing and changes my life? What if this helps me, like, launch into something new? What if this gives me a chance to do this for a living? What if it gives me whatever opportunity it is you’re looking for. So if you’re going to tell a story, I encourage you to just tell a better story.

But if you could let go of all stories and just write, that’s the best thing because no one in the world is going to show up to write a book just like you. And I want you to get those five star reviews. And you know how you do that is you write the unique book that only you can write the one that you were meant to do, the one that you were called to now, not the one you could have written 10 years ago or the book you want to write someday.

If you have it in your heart to write a book, now is the time. And this unusual method can help you go from being just a observer on the sideline to being a published author in less time than you think. Thank you so much for being here. I’m so grateful that you provided me opportunities. If you want to know more about me, of course, you can go to, and we can learn more about what we do, but I’m so grateful to be here, to share and to be a part of this incredible community.

Pat Flynn: Thank you so much for listening to the Smart Passive Income podcast at I’m your host, Pat Flynn. Sound editing by Duncan Brown. Our senior producer is David Grabowski, and our executive producer is Matt Gartland. The Smart Passive Income Podcast is a production of SPI Media, and a proud member of the Entrepreneur Podcast Network. Catch you next week!

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Smart Passive Income Podcast

with Pat Flynn

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