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SPI 051: Tim Ferriss on Promotion from Scratch, Accelerated Learning, Experiments Gone Wrong, Publishing, and More

In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, we have Tim Ferriss on the show!

Tim is a two-time, #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author with his books The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body, and he recently came out with the third book in his “4-hour trilogy” titled The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning anything and Living the Good Life.

Tim seems to be everywhere these days to promote his new book. Just check out the PR/Web summary for week 1 of the launch—it’s insane! Of course, I’m more than happy to include the SPI blog and podcast in his promotional efforts, but for this particular interview I wanted to touch on more than just his new book. I wanted to talk about all of his books, especially The 4-Hour Work Week, which most of my audience is familiar with.

I ask him several questions (many inspired by you!) about each of his books and as always, Tim delivers the goods.

Like I mention on the show, it kills me that I couldn’t ask Tim more questions, but I really enjoyed interviewing Tim and I hope you enjoyed the interview too! If you haven’t yet picked up your copy of The 4-Hour Chef, you can get it by clicking here!

Congratulations to the winners of the free copies of The 4-Hour Chef that I was giving away: Ryan, Naomi, JP, Marjorie, Neel, Liz and Greg. I’ve sent you all emails already.

And finally, please subscribe to the podcast using the link below to get updated when the latest podcast episode goes live! The upcoming podcast episodes feature regular people who have built successful online businesses outside of the make money online, business and blogging space. It’s always great to learn from the masters like Tim, but it’s great to learn from people who are unknown and killing it too.

Also, you can click on the link below to leave a rating and review of the show on iTunes, which helps a ton!

Thanks again for your support! Stay safe, stay warm and stay productive!

Cheers! 🙂

Archery Update

In this session, Tim and I discuss archery for a little bit. He gives me some tips for my first lesson, which was a birthday gift from my awesome wife! I took my first lessons on December 12th and Tim’s tips totally helped out! Here’s some pics from the lesson:

Of course, there was a lesson from a professional at this venue who helped a lot, and this cluster (the green and brown feathered arrows) was one of my last rounds. The first sets were…not quite as tight. 🙂

Thanks Tim!

Today’s Guest

Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss joins me today to talk about his latest book, The 4-Hour Chef.


The 4-Hour Chef



You’ll Learn


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with Pat Flynn

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