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SPI 273: 7 Powerful Things That Can Happen as a Result of Starting a Podcast

Starting a podcast changed my life. I’m not the only person for whom that’s true, either. Lots of my fellow entrepreneurs have found life-altering success through podcasting. In this episode, I’d like to walk you through the seven most dramatic changes podcasting has brought to my career—changes you can enact in your life and your business too.

Podcasting is an online business owner’s greatest platform for growing brand exposure and building relationships with an audience. It creates intimacy in ways a blog never could. It allows you to network with industry influencers in an organic, mutually beneficial way. It transforms your communication skills. It offers new opportunities to monetize.

Podcasting has benefited my business in ways I never could have anticipated back in 2008, when I first picked up a microphone. In this episode, I want to walk you through how that happened, what I’ve learned in the nine years since then, and what I’d do differently if I could start all over again.

If you’ve been itching to try podcasting for yourself, or if you’re curious about the role podcasting has played in my business journey, listen to this episode. You’ll hear personal stories from listeners, resources for getting started, my favorite strategies for monetizing your show, and even a clip from my very first attempt at recording an episode. I can’t wait to share it all with you—enjoy!

Thanks for Listening!

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Until next time!

You’ll Learn

  • The Smart Passive Income Podcast origin story, including a clip from my very first episode.
  • How starting a podcast changed my life and my business.
  • Rookie mistakes I made during my early years of podcasting.
  • How podcasting creates and scales intimacy with your audience.
  • What podcasting does to your relationships with industry influencers.
  • The best time to reach out to high-profile influencers.
  • How podcasting transformed my communication and public speaking skills.
  • Monetization strategies for beginning podcasters.
  • Resources for starting your own podcast, and more!

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Smart Passive Income Podcast

with Pat Flynn

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