In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I’m excited to have a chat with successful mom blogger, Meagan Francis from!
The mom blogger community is a huge force with incredible klout in the blogosphere. When I was working as the web and social media director for Crooked Arrows, part of our marketing strategy was specifically geared towards targeting mom bloggers because we knew just how much influence they could have. Together, they can take something that’s relatively unknown and make it world-famous in a short period of time.
The dynamic and also perception of the mom blogger community is really interesting, so I was excited to have a chance to speak with Meagan, a mom blogger who is also an author, public speaker, and she just had her first six-figure year last year. We talk about how she got started, as well as how she and others in her community are getting traffic, marketing and monetizing their blogs. There are definitely some great lessons to be learned here, no matter what kind of business you might have.
She told me that her work life and personal life have never melded so well together, and she’s having a blast doing exactly what she wants to do, which is awesome! Here is a picture of Meagan and her lovely family!

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Today’s Guest
Meagan Francis
In this session of The SPI Podcast, we chat with successful mom blogger, Meagan Francis about mom blogging, marketing, traffic and monetization.
You’ll Learn
- How Meagan got started online by “pitching magazines” and freelancing, and how those who are just starting out and looking for money now could do something similar.
- Why Meagan initially saw no potential for income from her mom blog and what she did to turn that around.
- Meagan’s progression from 0 readers to thousands after deciding to start her blog, and how she got traffic to come to her site.
- Exactly how Meagan is monetizing her blog, and how bigger brands play a major role in that.
- How Meagan is continuing to add value to her readers while monetizing at the same time.
- How agencies play a role in brand and sponsorship opportunities.
- How mom bloggers became such a critical mass in the blogosphere and the history behind the community.
- Why it’s not too late to start blogging, and tips to help you stand out right from the start.
- The important of conferences to meet and connect with people in your industry.
- Thoughts on the “apologetic tendencies” of those in the mom blogging community when trying to sell something and make money.
- What’s working right now for mom bloggers that other industries can adapt.
- Plus much more!
- The Happiest Home (previously
- Meagan’s Personal Blog
- Clever Girls Collective (A marketing agency to sign up as a parenting/mom blogger and get brand and sponsorship opportunities)
- The Sits Girls (Another marketing agency, similar to above)
- Shopping, Showers and Self-Sacrifice: The Lesson of the Blue Dress