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SPI 088: The Creative Entrepreneur—The Art and Journey of Srinivas Rao of Blogcast FM

In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I happy to welcome Srinivas Rao to the show, who you may know as the host of the popular podcast, BlogCast FM.

I’ve been a listener of BlogCast FM for over three years now, and I’ve been noticing a very powerful and creative transformation on the show and in Srini as a person. Just recently, things have started to really take off for him and his brand—to a point where he’s selling thousands of book and planning game-changing events, and I wanted to bring him on the podcast to talk about his journey and what he’s learned along the way.

Both of us are huge proponents of podcasting (obviously), and I look up to Srini as someone who has really mastered the art of conducting interviews. With podcasting on an upward trend, I thought it was important that we tap into his expertise and talk about specific strategies and the approach we should take when conducting an interview, so we can extract the best information that isn’t shared anywhere else and better serve our audience at the same time.

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If you enjoyed this episode and have 3 seconds, please let me and Srini know on Twitter by clicking on the link below:

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Leave Me a Voicemail!

Every once and a while, I’ll be recording podcast episodes that are completely driven and made up of questions asked by you, so if you have any questions that you’d like potentially answered on the show, simply record a voicemail over on my Speakpipe Page.


As always, I just wanted to say—I appreciate you! Especially those of you who took the time to vote for the SPI Podcast for Top Business Podcast Award a couple of weeks ago!

Voting is closed, and the winners will be announced at New Media Expo in January. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Lastly, if you’re going to be at New Media Expo, come say hi, and I hope you can attend my session too!


Today’s Guest

Srinivas Rao

Todays guest, Srinivas Rao, is sharing his creative journey and everything he’s learned along the way.

You’ll Learn

  • Why we should stop putting people up on a pedestal, especially when decide to interview people.
  • The benefits of conducting interviews, including what Srini has experienced since starting BlogCastFM
  • The trick to properly listening and following up with the right questions to extract the best information from your interviewee.
  • Exactly how much research Srini does before an interview (and my reaction to it).
  • What The Instigator Experience is about and why Srini decided to put on this event.
  • Book writing mistakes that Srini made and why his first publication was a dud.
  • How his new book got to the point of selling 1000s of copies a day.
  • How Srini leveraged Facebook to start the book writing process.
  • What happens when you write 1000 words a day.
  • Why creativity is important as an entrepreneur.
  • Plus a whole lot more!


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Smart Passive Income Podcast

with Pat Flynn

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