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SPI 037: Monetizing in a Hobby Niche — Success Story, Interview Series 3

In this session of the Smart Passive Income Podcast I’m stoked to feature yet another success story from someone who has built a six-figure business online in a hobby niche that, to be honest, I never thought was possible to make a living from—at least online.

Lain Ehmann from (formerly shares an amazing story about how she’s built an online business in the scrapbooking industry, a hobby niche I know very little about! [Editor’s note: This site is no longer active.]

Beyond her story, she shares a ton of incredibly useful information that I look forward to putting into practice myself someday.

I hope you enjoy this session of the SPI podcast!

Lain has told me she would be happy to stop by every once and a while and answer any questions you may have. Thank you Lain!

Here’s to all of your success! Cheers, and all the best!

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Today’s Guest

Lain Ehmann

Today, I’m stoked to feature yet another success story from someone who has built a six-figure business online in a surprising niche.

You’ll Learn


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Smart Passive Income Podcast

with Pat Flynn

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