Your network is your net worth. That is to say, who you choose to surround yourself with can either support your growth or deplete your energy. When was the last […]
Without building a community around your brand, you’ll be left behind. That’s the flag I’m planting in the ground, the line I’m drawing in the sand. But for your business, […]
Budgeting is a scary word for a lot of people. We’re so used to instant gratification now that putting off the lifestyle we want feels like an impossible task. But […]
I’m a big proponent of building in public. Having your audience along for the ride as you create digital products to serve them is an incredible tool that increases engagement […]
It might surprise you that the highest-earning online communities are actually very small. Almost all of them have fewer than three hundred members. Many of them have fewer than one […]
One of the best ways to help your audience is to write a book based on your knowledge and experience. But the key to really connecting with readers is going […]
It’s becoming more common to see couples not just starting a family but also starting businesses together. From Airbnb rentals to travel content creation, more options are available for couples […]
College is expensive. (Shocker, I know.) But did you know that the “four-year degree” is basically a myth at this point? Fewer than 40 percent of students graduate in four […]